Example sentences of "[that] can [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He added , ‘ CIRE money has also been used to develop other neural network products such as the dynamic signature-recognition system that can detect forged signatures on cheques and credit cards . ’
2 Finally , because some software houses have already started to write in copyguards that can detect Happy Chips , it has a ‘ slow it down ’ mode which prevents the copyguard from spotting the intruder .
3 As is implied by Taylor 's list above of 23 criteria , there are a number of attributes of information sources that can show considerable variation in practice .
4 Because of this , the only shock that can disturb current prices from the value they are expected to take next period is a relative demand shock .
5 So the crucial argument does not concern the fluoride level in a community water supply per se , but rather whether fluoridation increases the risk that certain people develop , even for a short time , levels of fluoride in the blood that can damage human cells and systems .
6 In his latest book he tells of sophisticated computers that can move tall buildings in the opposite direction to the tremors .
7 I know it is a word that can mean various things , but we must ask why some continental politicians refer to the word ’ federal ’ at every opportunity .
8 There are many things that can go wrong when training parents , or anybody else for that matter .
9 The simplest thing that can go wrong is the failure of one mechanism such as a pump , valve or thermostat .
10 There are so many things that can go wrong .
11 Because innovation is so often thought of in purely product feature terms , these connections are especially important : they are the almost invisible understanding of the immediate situation that can spell ultimate success or failure in the marketplace …
12 Obviously , any such processes that can enhance environmental quality are to be welcomed , provided that they themselves do not lead to inadvertent environmental deterioration .
13 Being inauthentic ( ‘ feeling false ’ ) comes from ignoring or denying life 's contradictions , perhaps by attaching oneself exclusively to objects which do not involve the sort of deep relationships or beliefs that can give personal pain as well as joy .
14 the traditional dances and customs of a particular country that can give local colour and atmosphere to a plot or theme ;
15 Plants that can tolerate parched conditions are known as xerophytes .
16 A design , advertising and publishing production house based on digital transmission , it houses technology that can produced finished artwork for anything from press ads to corporate brochures in situ .
17 The process of recording how you feel sets up an internal dialogue that can offer new insights into old difficulties .
18 One is that it is a hollow that can hold extra air , allowing the reptile to remain submerged longer .
19 Erm we have , er , access to the advice of professional advisers , namely and Co our policy is to keep base salaries at the mid-point of market competitive range erm , and provide bonus opportunities that can lift total take home pay into the upper quartile .
20 A new type of knowledge , Said contends , must be produced that can analyse plural objects as such rather than offering forms of integrated understanding that simply comprehend them within totalizing schemas .
21 We are looking for authorities that can deliver efficient and effective services .
22 Thanks to rapid advances in recombinant DNA technology , we now have a range of sophisticated vectors that can deliver genetic information to cells in vivo .
23 Old and non-digital as it is , videodisc technology is today still the only platform available that can deliver high quality , full motion , full frame video complete with a range of trick frame features such as forward and backward variable speed motion and perfect freeze frames .
24 Being an available technology and the only one that can deliver high quality interactive video , videodiscs continue to be used in training , especially in dedicated applications commissioned by large corporations who can make sense of the economics .
25 THERE is only one policy that can bring sustained recovery to the British economy : a sharp cut in interest rates .
26 Electric Moon is a lovely atmospheric piece wonderfully played by the major characters and delightfully illuminating the bat-squeak tensions between classes and the bureaucratic hindrances that can bring Indian life to a dead stop .
27 The firm has developed an electronic chip that can bring piecemeal systems under unified control .
28 ManageWare is available across the DRS 6000 and 3000 Unix ranges , includes a network system access manager , a transaction processing development environment called Dialogue Manager that can integrate multiple translation services , the Tuxedo transaction processing manager , a PowerManager for managing networks of OfficePower systems , a range of disk and file management systems , a print manager , and also Egshel — an enhanced graphical shell which integrates the windowing Korn shell with ICL 's GraphicsPower development tool kit .
29 So , they look to experts that can integrate different technology from different vendors , while creating a coherent strategy that will meet their business needs .
30 A tough fish that can handle stagnant conditions by storing air in it stomach .
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