Example sentences of "[not/n't] without [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not without biblical significance , the exhibition marks the artist 's seventieth birthday and coincides with a revival of interest in his work .
2 His career was not without personal risk : the sculptor was nearly mauled in the dockyards at Puteoli while drawing caged animals destined for the arena .
3 THE purging of dissidents from any organisation is widely known as a ‘ night of the long knives ’ — and not without good reason .
4 Not without good reason .
5 And not without good reason .
6 This is not without good reason .
7 At all events we shall not go wrong in assuming that it is not without good reason that he tells us of so impressive a roll call of nationalities on the day of Pentecost ( 2:5–11 ) .
8 And the Jew and the proletarian were , not without good reason , seen as harbingers of this modern .
9 The organisation was complex and not without internal conflict .
10 Even before birth a human being is not without legal recognition , for the antenatal life is protected by the Infant Life Preservation Act 1929 .
11 The crisis , which mostly concerned urban strays , was successfully met with poison baiting , but this was not without environmental cost .
12 Events moved quickly , though as Cullingworth 's history reveals , not without great uncertainty and confusion in Whitehall .
13 I spent a little while there and enjoyed a helicopter trip for the very first time , although not without considerable trepidation having once or twice seen pictures of them whizzing down to the ground in pieces .
14 Make no mistake , there are many who believe ( again not without considerable self-interest , that the serious business of running airlines should be left to a few major carriers — except , perhaps , for a few local services .
15 The problems may be overcome , but not without considerable expenditure .
16 She wrote straightway to Ellen , though not without considerable difficulty .
17 It is not without considerable irony that he should choose an example which is so uniquely interventionist as to render his previous assertion almost meaningless .
18 He heard on the grapevine that I was interested in this place , and came to me , not without considerable risk to himself . ’
19 To the RAF Falcons it 's meat and drink , but not without hard work .
20 Thus it was that Philip VI , who was not without military skill and experience , felt obliged to seek out and , if possible , defeat the English king and his Norman supporters .
21 Commonsense , not without distinguished endorsement from past centuries , thinks as Hart Crane did that it is not true at all ; that on the contrary there are occasions too trivial , too lacking in dignity or resonance , to deserve the ceremoniousness that , as Tomlinson perceived , verse-writing always brings with it .
22 I just have to wait for his letter , but I think the sensible thing to do would be to talk to you about what he 's putting you on because a lot of these drugs are not without potential side effects .
23 ( iii ) The absence of an inner , concentric band produces a more open arrangement , wherein the trees are taller , the animals less restricted , and where the design suggests a radial movement ( which , with regard to the " fully radial arrangements of mosaics showing Orpheus , at Littlecote and Winterton , Lincs. , both dated to periods after 350 , is not without chronological significance ) .
24 And the sheer incidentals , the imagined languages of the Martian creatures , the poetic hrossi , the intellectual sorns and the practical and commercially minded pfifftriggs have a playful quality which , while being purely enjoyable , is not without satiric edge .
25 And what the devil , Kee is n't without sexual experience after all : she has a past .
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