Example sentences of "[not/n't] seem too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hennessy was looking around and trying not to seem too pleased with himself .
2 In order not to seem too dictatorial , and perhaps to conform with some grass-roots grocer-Tory image , ministers have sometimes spoken as if their aim was not so much to take powers to themselves ( and thus away from Local Authorities ) as to give powers to parents .
3 This may not seem too controversial , but when one of the team leaders is an ex-alcoholic it requires tremendous openness to God to go down a risky and unexpected route !
4 These deeply cut ravines might not seem too demanding , but some of them give unusual approaches to the high moorland plateaux , passing through impressive rock scenery which can offer the simple joys of scrambling , often above deep pools linked by cascades and waterfalls .
5 LWT needs 75 per cent of its shareholders to approve the scheme , which does not seem too difficult now the plans have been moderated .
6 As he told the story , he did not seem too worried .
7 We are creating the first annual Hall of Shame to show that personalities are willing to take the plaudits , but do not seem too willing to accept the responsibilities that go with their positions .
8 The report to the DTI was due to be published shortly anyway , so , on the face of it , its premature appearance may not seem too important .
9 Increasingly local Law Societies are either undertaking training or can be persuaded to do so , and bringing down an experienced personal injury practitioner or trainer from London may not seem too horrendous an idea if the local Law Society is funding and arranging it .
10 ‘ Friday the eighteenth , at seven o'clock , if that does n't seem too hopeless .
11 ‘ She did n't seem too keen , ’ he said .
12 It did n't seem too much to expect , when they have all the rest of the world . ’
13 That does n't seem too much to ask , does it ?
14 At ten P M she did n't seem too great either , her temperature had gone up a little bit , but nevertheless , she slept on .
15 She did n't seem too pleased even when Gloria gave her both pots of jam .
16 He said he 'd pay , and despatched Kenny Lynch , who did n't seem too pleased with the idea , I must say , to fetch the ice-creams .
17 Even Mrs Gebler did n't seem too pleased .
18 ‘ Did n't seem too pleased about something . ’
19 Whenever Italy played I could n't help noticing that Brian looked remarkably like Salvatore Schilacci , but he did n't seem too pleased when I pointed this out .
20 If we accept calmly and scientifically that stone in the form of silicone chips can accept messages and retain them , then it does n't seem too impossible to me that the stones of buildings can absorb strong emotions such as fear and terror or the positive feelings of worship and devotion .
21 ‘ He did n't seem too delighted to see you , ’ said Betty .
22 Now , er looking at it from , from the population of sixty million or so , that would n't seem too terrifying .
23 Hurling my body through the air in the jumps did n't seem too appealing , nor did attempting to sprint , run or hurdle my way into the record books : but how about throwing something ?
24 And people who 've tried barfly do n't seem too worred about the danger .
25 ‘ The plot did n't seem too plausible , ’ Thiercelin ventured .
26 ‘ It did n't seem too threatening but it was still hot . ’
27 Because as I ask him some question about women , wine or wit Dudley Moore is busy chewing his nails until they might well bleed , it does n't seem too rude to mention the ends of his fingertips .
28 It did n't seem too distressed by life in the aviary with the other birds , although I imagine it was all a bit of a come-down for this once proud and merciless hunter of the skies .
29 When I first met Alfred I did n't like him very much , because of his hair and his clothes and the fact that he did n't have a steady job , but now I 've got to know him he does n't seem too bad .
30 Even the thought of lunch at Osborne House again tomorrow did n't seem too bad an idea , even if it did mean listening to Mama telling him how she heard nightingales in the garden at Pierremont House and how she walked all the way to Pegwell when she was twelve and ate shrimp paste at the Bellevue Tavern .
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