Example sentences of "[not/n't] say [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was implied , for instance , that the medical profession had not said that smoking is bad for you .
2 I 'm not saying that P P G twelve does not apply .
3 By emphasizing this convergence I am not saying that culture and identity are unimportant , but challenging the routine reduction of race to them alone which obscures the inherently political character of the term .
4 To make it perfectly clear , I repeat that we are not saying that Britain should acquire a subsequent follow-on generation of weapons to replace the free-fall bombs that are nearing the end of their useful life .
5 We 're certainly not saying that Tommy Morrison is worth equal to Lennox Lewis , but in order to get him we have to pay what we have to pay . ’
6 Do n't get me wrong , I 'm not saying that companies should n't sponsor ballet or opera , but I think they have to not lose sight of sponsorship potential with the disadvantages as well as the anonymous giving branch , because small amounts of money to some organizations may do disproportionately more than the Scottish Opera
7 I am not saying that disturbances always have a single cause .
8 I am not saying that women religious have totally solved the problem .
9 I 'm not saying that women and girls are bad .
10 ‘ I 'm not saying that women ca n't raise sons on their own , I 'm saying that it 's difficult for a woman to teach , and very near impossible , in my mind , for a woman to teach a young boy how to be a man .
11 We are not saying that taxpayers should not be able to claw back some of the costs at a later stage , but the carer 's position should be protected .
12 But I am not saying that Dr. Briant should necessarily be stopped from making his scientific searches , for his ability to do so is as God-given as that warning .
13 Everyone presenting data at the conference was careful to point out that they were not saying that lead is safe , even at low levels , but the ‘ do n't knows ’ do not form a powerful lobby .
14 I am not saying that people who are directly subjected to racism are inevitably attracted to one-dimensional argument or that those who are not necessarily take a more sophisticated view .
15 We 're not saying that people should n't have the opportunity to train to teach .
16 But I 'm not saying that people are incompetent , but it takes a certain amount
17 I 'm not saying that people would have never changed their ideas but if it would have been done in the manner that it would have been done in in the first place and if people would have been told about their future lives and if people had been , would 've accepted what was going on in light of all the decisions that have been taken previously regarding the merger issue .
18 I am not saying that churches should not state their views about social evils , but it is quite another thing to imagine that clear statements are denting the Evil One 's power .
19 I am not saying that Christians subscribe openly to such a view of doubt .
20 The third principle tells us that when we call God ‘ transcendent ’ we are not saying that God is ‘ above ’ , ‘ outside ’ or ‘ beyond ’ the universe .
21 ‘ I am not saying that Charles is incapable of love , it 's just that he has this unreal perception of women .
22 I 'm not saying that negotiations should be completed by a certain date , but that the matter should come back to court by a certain date so that there is therefore er er is a time , an incentive for the
23 Campbell is not saying that Christ takes our sin upon himself but he identifies so closely with us that it is as if he makes our confession and is thus separated from the presence of God for us .
24 This is not to say that folk psychology already has adequate theories of perception , language , memory or any other cognitive process .
25 This is not to say that carbonate deposition began everywhere simultaneously as some heavenly clock chimed in the beginning of the Carboniferous Period .
26 This is not to say that dreams are unimportant .
27 This is not to say that meat is unimportant to us now .
28 That 's not to say that Widnes will be complacent .
29 This is not to say that commuters have not moved into the rural areas of the North and West , for they clearly have , particularly where open countryside is within easy access of large cities , such as the Peak District for Sheffield and Manchester or the Mendips for Bristol and Bath .
30 That is not to say that Parliament was subservient .
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