Example sentences of "[not/n't] have [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament found in Cruise and Trident a stimulus it had not had since the early 1960s .
2 In other words , we now have a certain expectation of the sort of courtesy and level of service which we can receive from our public servants and that is something we have not had in the past .
3 The characteristics chosen for this analysis were selected to illustrate any visual correspondences that the instruments might or might not have with the Mercier portrait .
4 We feel that this is very much a matter for the district councils in the preparation of their local plans , with their local knowledge which is something we do not have at the county level to be able to make comment on .
5 The Assembly elections of 1973 served as a guide to the Convention elections which was an advantage to the participants which they did not have for the Assembly elections themselves .
6 This gives the commission powers in London that it does not have for the rest of the country , where listed building controls are exercised only by district councils or the secretary of state .
7 But Norris has given a further and suggestive explanation : ‘ The possession of a written Constitution whose principles are yet open to all manner of far-reaching judicial review … gives a political edge to questions of textual and interpretative theory that they do not have in the British cultural context . ’
8 That gives America opportunities to work with the Soviets that it did not have in the past .
9 It thus has a direct social dimension , which other human rights ( food , clothing , shelter , health care ) do not have in the same way .
10 The opportunity that they now have is to become independent production companies , an opportunity that they did not have in the last round of licence decisions .
11 Would he agree to support a review of the Reserve Forces Safeguard of Employment Act 1985 so that we shall not have in the future the rash of litigation that has been needed against employers who have declined to accept reservists back since the Gulf war ?
12 amendment which I hope will financial control which is that the of financial services shall have no discretion to accept claims for the financial year ninety-three ninety-four , submitted after the thirtieth of June nineteen-ninety- four , that effectively means that that two month rule which he does have discretion on he will not have in the case of late claims in this financial year , that means we 'll know exactly what the figures are , by the thirtieth of June .
13 The degradation of many soils such as those in East Anglia , England , to the extent that they are scarcely more than a physical retention medium for chemical fertiliser and moisture ( Kirkby 1980 ) , does not have the same social and economic impact as degradation of soils where the land users do not have , and may be predicted not to have in the future , the resources to make good the degradation by the application of massive doses of fertiliser ( see also Heathcote 1980 , Rennie 1982 ) .
14 And it 's easier in the short term not to have In the long term you get more problems .
15 Well my view of that is that yes we do have new P P G seven which we did n't have at the time of the last structure plan alteration .
16 I do n't have at the tip of my fingers the total level of funds managed , but
17 I mean there ought to be someone who can make a lead for us in house , that sort of thing , which we do n't have at the moment , because we 've got things like complicated split leads for rigging up two monitors , and we 've had those twice we 've had those made , outside , but they only need to get sort of broken , and we 're back to square one .
18 He was glad that he did n't have along the customary Russian navigator which was the standard requirement for all private flights over Russian airspace .
19 The pleasure smoking brings is simply the satisfaction of a craving that , if one did n't smoke , one would n't have in the first place .
20 I had the same problem with the doctor and nurses in Styal over what I could and could n't have in the way of eye drops , etc .
21 In the European Parliament for example we do have a nursery we have child-care facilities for seventy children which you do n't have in the House of Commons .
22 I did n't have any , oh no , I did n't have in the bathroom at all cos
23 There are two members I think have spoken from the Liberal benches concerning funding bureaucracy and I would agree entirely with what that means but they 've also mentioned in the same bet , budgetary control and if you 're going to control budgets , you have to have a minimal amount of bureaucracy and the function really of the head of the er of the project , er the head of the the post that 's now slipped into oblivion with this motion , would actually have been to do two things it would have been to hold the two groups together and it would have been to have overall control of that budget and it would n't have been easy and I would n't have like the job and I wouldn't 've applied for it and certainly would have been very difficult indeed .
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