Example sentences of "[not/n't] only [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In pursuance of this nonsense , you not only hear those few callers who succeed in getting through , you 're also subjected to a cheery stream-of-consciousness summary of the grievances expressed by all the rest .
2 The range of professions utilized by the administrative agencies of the modern state not only encompasses all the traditional professional and scientific disciplines .
3 This versatile multi-function card not only combines all the benefits of a cheque guarantee card and Cashline card but also allows you to pay for goods and services quickly and easily without writing a cheque at retailers displaying the Switch sign .
4 Seb 's astonishment had been replaced by eagerness as Christian talked , and the farmer added , ‘ I 've built a reputation for my horses , Seb , and I know you 'll not only continue that reputation , but probably enhance it . ’
5 President Roe Tae Woo is not only facing such demonstrations , but an economy that is under severe pressure .
6 Because not only had all this lot to be moved , but halfway through the removal he suddenly remembered there was something else needed moving , shot to the stairs with a white face , opened the door in under the stairs and out came all the bits and pieces from there .
7 Not only had many esoterics died there ( and he did n't enjoy the proximity of death unless he 'd been its bringer ) , but the Retreat was a passing place between the Fifth Dominion and the other four , including , of course , the home from which he was in permanent exile .
8 However , not only had these been implemented by only a few firms , but the majority were also oriented towards encouraging youth employment rather than positive action to assist older workers .
9 In 1356 , after a succession of fruitless campaigns ( though just before some spectacular successes ) , the king sought in vain from the clergy a grant of a tenth for each of the next six years ; the clergy refused to offer more than a solitary tenth because not only had some of their conditions attached to earlier grants been ignored but also they themselves were too impoverished by war levies of all kinds to afford greater liberality .
10 People not only had more than their forebears ; they also had revolutionary new products .
11 Not only had most manorial demesnes been let to farm well before the beginning of the Tudor epoch , small freeholds and customary tenements were also regularly managed in the same fashion — indeed , they must frequently have been treated as investments .
12 Given this premise , we should not be surprised to find the police are in the forefront of support for proposals such as the introduction of identity cards ; it was not surprising to find the 1988 Superintendents ' Association conference not only supporting this motion , but arguing for the creation of twenty-four hour armed patrols throughout the country and making a plea for a national motorway squad .
13 At a certain stage in the analysis it becomes necessary not only to define each entity but also to record the relevant attributes of each entity .
14 Furthermore , the government ( Minister of Land , 1966 , 3 ) has not only sanctioned this growth when , as long ago as 1966 , they stated ‘ that townspeople ought to be able to spend their leisure in the countryside if they want to ’ but following a report of the House of Lords ( HL Select Committee 1973 ) has also endorsed and encouraged recreational uses when they accepted ( Secretary of State for the Environment , 1975 , 1 ) that ‘ recreation should be regarded as one of the community 's everyday needs and that provision for it is part of the social services ’ .
15 So now the pressure on the broker is not only to do more business but to do it in exactly their way . ’
16 The exhibition not only demonstrated many old ideas , but also at least one new one — Mr Preshous ' original idea of hiring a light aeroplane to enable him to take aerial photographs of the route .
17 To master something of the knowledge to put them down on paper not only requires some study and drawing skills , but I believe a sense of rhythm as well .
18 In the morning he would go to the embassy , fall on his knees before her , beg her to return , to forgive him — anything — because he loved her , and love , if it were true , not only conquered all , but accepted all — ‘ Love is not love , Which alters when it alteration finds , ’ Shakespeare had said in his greatest sonnet , and he had discovered that for himself — but too late , too late .
19 The ‘ mature ’ writer not only survives those renunciations , they help constitute his art , an art which will always finally take priority over the plight of the other even if , as was the case with Gide , it also succeeds in mitigating it .
20 Last year it not only opposed these proposals , it sent Alex , er a T U C hack if there ever was one ,
21 She was going to speak about a person , who not only walked this earth two thousand years ago , but walked beside his followers in the twentieth century .
22 If , however , she keeps mating and not only gets several clutches going but is able to re-establish those that get lost , then she maximizes her chance of a successful breeding season .
23 ‘ The Prime Minister has shown herself completely unfit not only to attend any conference on human rights anywhere , but even to utter the very words . ’
24 The organisers of Dublin 's year are keen not only to promote all things Irish but also make a European stand and put on exhibitions of interest to the whole community .
25 And I would maintain that for all his limited command of English and his limited general knowledge , he not only knew all there was to know about how to run a house , he did in his prime come to acquire that ‘ dignity in keeping with his position ’ , as the Hayes Society puts it .
26 Certainly , when I watched her in the St Trinian 's films , I knew I was watching someone who not only knew all of the people I knew , but could do a wicked job of ‘ taking them off ’ !
27 From the 1880s the regime made plain its determination not only to halt any further movement in the direction of public participation but in some respects to reverse the reforms of the 1860s .
28 When his characters make love — or perform Mr. Lawrence 's equivalent for love-making — and they do nothing else — they not only lose all the amenities , refinements and graces which many centuries have built up in order to make love-making tolerable ; they seem to reascend the metamorphoses of evolution , passing backward beyond ape and fish to some hideous coitus of protoplasm .
29 That this will require some radical reflexivity on the part of the insider is obvious , for it is almost inevitable that his revelations will not only create some discomfort for himself , but will almost certainly be unwelcome .
30 Children soon take advantage of this inconsistency and the ensuing reward not only negates any potential influence of the punishment ( misbehaviour is likely to increase rather than decrease ) but debases the currency of the parent 's words and deeds .
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