Example sentences of "[not/n't] go through the " in BNC.

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1 For the first time she was really listening , not going through the motions of an argument .
2 A bus did come , but not surprisingly it was not going through the City as it usually did .
3 The fire had come from his home and the money from the sale of the fire and not go through the books of the business .
4 The corporation hopes miners will take the redundancy and not go through the lengthy procedure .
5 Revenues generated by this channel did not go through the joint venture , rather through Kam Circuits , which contributed to its good performance .
6 The black-market dollar , Brazil 's most nervous index , did not go through the roof .
7 Taking out the old cistern itself can be even more difficult since they were usually put in place as the house was built , so will not go through the loft hatch .
8 How would the Minister advise Hull city council to go about enforcing the law , bearing in mind that it can not go through the magistrates courts because of the cross-undertakings required ?
9 Mr Burtt has asked my advice on payment of the enclosed invoice for £690 for an order raised by Mrs Gregory which did not go through the agreed procedures , and which exceeds the total amount available for all staff .
10 Even if he 's your husband he can not go through the pain you went through and so can not know what it is like .
11 Erm , I 'll not go through the whole of this table sir , but I do want you to look at the next column , outstanding planning permissions .
12 Presumably when you do land in a position like that even though as you say you 're getting near the end of the game for the blue ball , you would n't deliberately not go through the hoop , if you 'll put in that , if you put yourself in that position ?
13 He told us to fill in this form , saying we had not gone through the right channels . ’
14 It 's not gone through the post and arrived battered , torn or creased ; and it 's not going to be just plumped down in piles on the floor .
15 He rested his glass on the paunch now , regarded them owlishly , and gave the impression , as always , of someone who had not gone through the usual process of growing up , but had remained a toddler , magnified to the nth degree .
16 Is it not true — as my hon. Friend the Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) pointed out — that as much public money goes to one CTC , to which parents who have not gone through the normal process will have access , as to all the other schools in the area , and that it goes there at the same rate ?
17 Once , someone had thrown a piece of lighted paper in a bottle at the house but it had not gone through the window .
18 They are yet to be involved in the testing process : ‘ My real concern for my children is that they have n't gone through the tests for 14-year-olds yet , ’ he says .
19 Whether or not the ultimate diagnosis is correct in every one or not , the answer is I do n't know because many children did n't go through the process that was needed .
20 ‘ I really ca n't go through the day feeling like this . ’
21 Maxine ( 4.10 ) : Wet sand wo n't go through the funnel because it soaks up the water and sticks together .
22 I wanted to put a a morning on when I realised there was problems here just a morning an open morning which would of brought probably nine hundred thousand pounds into this building , in July I came in to try to see the Director of the playhouse I could n't go through the written way because I was waiting for exam date to come through .
23 So I wo n't go through the rest of it , it 's a long and er it 's just brought us on the same sort of thing , but what it proves is that we are getting somewhere and that is what I thought was rather important news , which I want to do .
24 Anyway , you ca n't go through the whole of your life being called Nigel , can you ?
25 You do n't go through the access menu , an eight K conventional memory means could put more into expanded memory more conventional memory you 've got , the more you can put into expanded memory .
26 Many a large sofa , armchair or piano has had to be sent back at unnecessary cost because it would n't go through the door Make sure to measure the ceiling height as well because if you multiply this by the wall measurements ( see Calculating quantities on page 53 ) it will give you an idea of the amount of paint or wallpaper you will need .
27 You could n't work in the quarry , you could n't go through the gate in the quarry without being a union man , in the old days there .
28 I du n no I think my jig saw went , that was the wire , I just cut it off and made it off again and it was alright it 's short enough so it do n't go through the window when you throw it
29 But we had a job to get the tall one with the glass doors cos we had to turn it on its side cos it would n't go through the door , it stuck , what a performance doing that
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