Example sentences of "[not/n't] as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The firm is able to act within the FSA but unlike traditional lead advisers ( i.e. the merchant banks ) is governed by an Institute and not as a member of the Stock Exchange or Securities and Futures Authority .
2 Not as a member of the human race , but you matter to God as an individual , as a person with all your strengths , your weaknesses , with all our peculiarities and our points , as individuals , we matter to God !
3 ‘ I 'm ready to go with you to India , but as a sister , not as a wife . ’
4 For although his authority was supreme , he preferred to regard himself not as a dictator but as a partner , acting together with directors , players and everyone else in the club in a common purpose .
5 Now , as the party fodder turned up in their glittering clothes , I began to see that Eva was using the evening not as a celebration but as her launch into London .
6 Mind you , he had told Sean he was speaking as a brother , not as a policeman , you understand .
7 A fixed charge may of course be attacked as a preference where it is given to secure past value but not as a transaction at an undervalue since the assets of the company are not diminished by the creation of the charge .
8 This is particularly so for workers whose lives are related to work not as a vocation or as a career , but as a job for earning money to spend in private .
9 A student of mine who saw the Hollywood film Witness , which featured the Amish community , wondered whether we should think of their way of life not as a residue of the past but the way of the future !
10 After a break during the Franco-Prussian war , in which he was actively involved , though not as a combatant , his thoughts on tragedy took final shape in 1871 .
11 If Britain had an interest in European co-operation it was as a way to withstand Soviet pressure and underpin British independence , not as a way to control Germany .
12 Some only found out when their supplier told them that they could no longer buy tetra unless they could certify that it was going to be used in a ‘ non-dispersive manner ’ — ie not as a solvent even in a closed system .
13 ‘ But there are powerful arguments for custody , not as a sentence of first resort but certainly as one weapon in the ‘ armoury ’ .
14 It was not surprising that the police and the courts saw him not as a threat , scarcely even as a nuisance , but an eccentric example of English political freedom .
15 If the whites in Southern Africa could see this , not as a threat but as an opportunity — if they could grasp the truth that by a change of will and spirit they could deprive the Communists of their best propaganda weapon — there still might just be time for things to move in a new direction .
16 There is another way of understanding the cold war , not as a conflict but as a kind of collusion , although the term ‘ collusion ’ perhaps implies too much conscious purpose .
17 A lecturer normally owns the copyright in any book or article he writes because he is primarily employed as a teacher and not as a writer of books and articles , even though his employer may encourage this .
18 Her response — such a lighting up of her face — made me remember how few times it was likely she had been kissed in her whole life : not as a child , by the parents who had given her away ; not by her old foster parents ; not often , I guessed , even by Beatrice and her boys .
19 Not as a unit .
20 Can it ever come to life again , not as a bait and hook for politicians to use , not as a shouting for soccer fans ?
21 The octopus has no trace of a shell within the flesh of its body , but one species , the argonaut , secretes from one of its arms a marvellous paper-thin version shaped very like a nautilus shell but without chambers , which it uses not as a home for itself but as a delicate floating chalice in which to lay its eggs .
22 I confess it might seem a little far off — not as a country but as a comparison — and yet that was what I thought .
23 ’ Becke 's revision reads : ‘ He dwelleth wyth his wyfe accordinge to knowledge , that taketh her as a necessarye healper , and not as a bonde servaunte or a bonde slave .
24 Laura was not tough , but possessed a strong character and would see this sort of action not as a sacrifice , but as an act of fulfilment , she was able to project herself through her husband .
25 Can it ever come to life again , not as a bait and hook for politicians to use , not as a shouting for soccer fans ?
26 It is an exploration of [ a ] vocabulary … which has been inherited within precise social and historical conditions and which has to be made at once conscious and critical — subject to change as well as continuity — if the millions of people in whom it is active are to see it as active : not as a tradition to be learned , nor a consensus to be accepted ; … but as a vocabulary to use , to find our ways in , to change as we find it necessary to change it , as we go on making our own language and history .
27 In each of these examples the speaker is producing an utterance which is relevant not as a description of a state of affairs but as a representation of another utterance which it resembles .
28 This book shows something of what has emerged out of religious interpretations of death , not as a history of death but as an indication of what lies at the root of the major religious traditions , lending to each its characteristic style .
29 Wilkins took the silence of the Bible , on a question such as the plurality of worlds , not as a ban but as an invitation to entertain the notion .
30 These interventions , associated with the Keynesian revolution in economic thinking which called for the state to become involved in maintaining the level of aggregate demand in the economy through the use of budgetry policies , have been seen not as a triumph of democratic struggle but as a further example of the use of the state as an instrument of the interests of the ruling class .
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