Example sentences of "[not/n't] seen it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cos I 've not seen it with the curtains
2 If they have not seen it for themselves then it can not be true .
3 I 've not seen it mummy , I 've not seen it at all .
4 I had not seen it before taking a look at the February/March issue .
5 What a sharp , sneering face he had had , though she could not see it , as she had not seen it in the darkness of her dream .
6 Ken has encouraged me to circulate this , although he has not seen it in detail .
7 Zenith knew of the existence of Acme 's program but had not seen it in use — no infringement of copyright , the function of the program is idea , not expression .
8 All she could mutter was , ‘ Bruce , if I had n't seen it with my own eyes , I would never have believed it . ’
9 I would n't have believed it if I had n't seen it with my own slightly watering eyes .
10 It 's eight now and Mr Vigo has n't seen it for years .
11 There is nothing worse than being told ‘ Yes , we had a lovely book all about the fête we held for the coronation , but I have n't seen it for some years .
12 But she , watching him , was surprised that he had n't seen it for himself .
13 I have n't seen it for sixty year . ’
14 I have n't seen it for years , of course , but they built a big extension .
15 I have n't seen it for years .
16 I only brought that one down because we have n't seen it for a long time , just choose one
17 No , why I have n't seen it for dry down there for years .
18 I have n't seen it for about two months .
19 The only reason that I 'm enjoying Neighbours again at the moment is that I have n't seen it for month and I 'm trying to work out which characters have changed , which characters are getting married to which other ones .
20 The massive stone structure stood out bravely amidst the miles of destruction , and the crew became interested as they had n't seen it in daylight before .
21 Well , I have n't seen it in a little box yet .
22 If you apply to the fund at the beginning of the month you 'll likely to get something , but hard luck if you apply later on in the month , but that she 's taken up as an open letter to Jerry Hayes , but so far I have n't seen it in the press .
23 But I 'll tell you the name that is used , or was used afterwards , but I do n't know if that name is still used I certainly have n't seen it in a text book in years !
24 If , like many of us , you ca n't lay hand son the exact title and date of publication DO NOT be deterred but add contextualising detail of the kind which will help librarians as well as researchers to locate the item eg , size ( in a great fat book ) ; colour ( bluey-green cover with photos … ) ; age ( quite old now I suppose , have n't seen it in bookshops for ages … ) .
25 I 've never seen one , no , except in the book , I have n't seen it in our , in our , in both books .
26 I have nt seen it for a while and it was one of the more pleasing aspects to the Oldham game .
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