Example sentences of "[not/n't] know what the " in BNC.

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1 I do not know what the sensuality of a man is .
2 I have a car badge belonging to the 159 Motor Club but do not know what the club is , or was , and have been unable to find out .
3 The captain did not know what the craft was carrying , though that was not unusual , and the line was under contract partly for its discretion .
4 JOHN SMITH is preparing to launch the biggest tax assault ever on middle income families while claiming that he does not know what the effect of his tax hike will be on incentives , confidence or on the economy .
5 So instead they hedge their comments and the end result is the person being appraised still does not know what the organization thinks of them .
6 Perhaps the right hand , in the shape of Kenneth Baker , does not know what the left-hand , in the shape of the present health minister , Norman Fowler is up to ?
7 Even the most experienced police interrogator can not entirely avoid leading questions , simply because he can not know what the witness actually knows or what really happened .
8 It 's no excuse that the salesman did not know what the customer planned to do with the recorder , even if it is labelled with a warning about not taping copyright records or films .
9 I do not know what the Anglo-Saxons called a rabbit , a candidate for description , I should have thought .
10 She did not know what the message was : Lee in this state was no longer a lovelorn friend but a trauma .
11 If you do not know what the true variable costs are , how can you make correct decisions ?
12 At first Dinah did not understand ; the way he talked was strange to her , and in any case she did not know what the term meant .
13 Geoffrey Robertson , QC for Mr Henderson , told the judge after the acquittals : ‘ The prosecution was brought by one hand of the Government which did not know what the other hand was doing . ’
14 ‘ I do not know what the outcome will be as there are an awful lot of issues which are unclear .
15 Accordingly , one is constrained in the way which one can refer to the preceding paragraph in the printed document — because one does not know what the preceding paragraph will be .
16 The very freedom from mass accountability which allows it to do so also makes it difficult for leaders to know what society is thinking : without mechanisms for making needs known and understood , Polish and Soviet leaders simply can not know what the consequences of a rise in food prices or of other policy shifts will be .
17 In the 1980S , as the communications industries multiplied and expanded , and the number of policy-actors and centres of decision ( local and regional as well as national ( proliferated , it often appeared that the right hand did not know what the left was doing .
18 I do not know what the majority here or in the country may think about it .
19 She did not know what the matter was but knew instinctively that this was the right thing to do .
20 We can not know what the future will bring ; nor did he .
21 The other reason is that there are at least some rules for judging advertisements , but most of these are based firmly in the objectives which the ads are trying to achieve : if we do not know what the objectives are , any judgement we may make is without a real foundation .
22 ( g ) We do not know what the mother said to Miss T. , because she has not chosen to tell the court , but it appears to be the fact that on the two occasions when Miss T. raised the issue of blood transfusions , she did so suddenly and ‘ out of the blue ’ without any inquiry from hospital staff and immediately following occasions when she had been alone with her mother .
23 He could not interpret the hand gestures and did not know what the offworlder was thinking .
24 Most new mothers do not know what the Guthrie test is for : a considerable number incorrectly believe that it will detect more disorders than is the case .
25 The increasing numbers of dementia sufferers living alone ; the pressures on carers , will mean that the need for all services will increase and I would suggest that the level of our knowledge is such that we do not know what the " best " care for dementia sufferers is — and what may be best for sufferers may not be best for carers .
26 We did not know what the future might hold and had to face the possibility that we may not see each other again .
27 This has not yet been discovered and we do not know what the machines are for — rather as nineteenth-century people did not know about plutonium and nuclear reactors — so we do not know what such developments will lead to in terms of aesthetic and economic considerations , and eventually the effects on the landscape and the settlements in it .
28 Unfortunately , many of my letters home miscarried , because , Turkey being neutral until towards the end of the war , the post went through enemy-occupied Europe : I do not know what the Nazi censors made of some of my missives .
29 I do not know what the Labour party is so proud of , because under the previous Labour Government manufacturing output fell by 2 per cent .
30 I do not know what the hilarity is about , but please carry on .
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