Example sentences of "[not/n't] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike its Scottish namesake , Leven is not by the sea but six miles from it on the main Beverley to Bridlington road , 14 miles from Bridlington and six miles from Hornsea .
2 We ended up not by the sea .
3 Western historians tend to see them as alienated intellectuals motivated not by the interests of any major section of society but by a host of heterogeneous ideas , romantic and modernizing , dictatorial and democratic .
4 A finance director , for example , would be judged by the standard of the reasonable person experienced in financial matters , and not by the standard of the ordinary person .
5 Classified and patterned notes follow the pattern determined by the student and not by the lecturer .
6 April : Robert Polhill ( US ) , Frank Reed ( US ) , Fernand Houtekens ( Belgian ) , Jacqueline Valente ( French ) , Sophie-Liberté Valente ( French ) [ see p. 37391 ; the last three were released by representatives of the Revolutionary Council of Fatah , not by the Fatah Revolutionary Council as given on that page ] ; August : Emanuel Christen ( Swiss ) , Elio Erriquez ( Swiss ) , Brian Keenan ( Irish-British ) [ see p. 37768 ] ; October : 40 Shia Moslem " hostages " from Khiyam prison , southern Lebanon [ see p. 37793 ] .
7 Thus any differences between them must be caused , not by the shock , but by the fact that the mouse in the cage with the shelf is learning an avoidance response .
8 The event was dominated not by the man but by a team of ladies all from the City of Derry , they were Ann Wallace , Claire Hughes and Vivienne Houston and their professional from Cill Dara was Gerry Burke .
9 Not by the route the signposts have been urging ever since faraway Loch Carron but by way of Corran Ferry after a protracted series of diversions and deviations .
10 A referenced variable is a variable accessed not by the name but through a pointer variable ; a dynamic variable .
11 However we interpret the process of causation , Henry V was baffled , not by the bones , but by the big battalions .
12 If any of the matters in issue have to be decided again , this must be done by the original deciding authority and not by the supervising court .
13 So here in Malta precedence among the nobility is determined by the date of origin of the title , not by the degree . ’
14 From June 1988 until February 1989 interest rates rose by 3.75 percentage points , but a quarter of this cost was borne not by the borrower but by the Exchequer .
15 The court said that the parties had chosen the manner by which they wished to have their disputes resolved , and that the wording of the clause did not leave any scope for saying that , in so far as that matter was one of law , it was to be determined not by the expert but by the court .
16 When the manacle was unlocked a weeping ulcer was exposed , and he was sickened , not by the sight of it , but because he had failed her in not acting sooner .
17 Subject to some exceptions … it matters not that the doer of the act of usurpation did not know , and could not by the exercise of any reasonable care have known of his neighbour 's interest in the goods .
18 To think they are , shows that they are governed not by the Spirit but by the attitudes and outlook of their unregenerate days ( 3:1,3 ) .
19 The UN said that a Japanese volunteer in Cambodia was probably killed not by the Khmers Rouges , as had been thought , but by somebody disgruntled at not getting a job .
20 Thirdly , a court might decline to allow judicial review if it thought that the alternative dispute-settling body possessed relevant expertise which the court lacked ; or , fourthly , if the case raised issues which could be considered by the alternative body but not by the court on judicial review ; or , fifthly , if the alternative body 's procedure was better suited to resolving the case than judicial review procedure .
21 For appeals against sentences imposed by magistrates are heard not by the Court of Appeal , but by the Crown Court .
22 When the dispute was eventually resolved in Cyril 's favour , it was not by the Council but by a decision of the Emperor Theodosius .
23 The fathers failed to give Philip the satisfaction of a full-scale condemnation : the Order was suppressed by an administrative act of the pope 's and not by the Council .
24 A tenancy of a tied public house is not an office , and the tenant does not obtain the opportunity to earn remuneration in employment because he is paid by his own efforts , not by the brewery : McNiff [ 1986 ] Crim LR 57 ( CA ) .
25 The auditor is appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the PLC ( not by the shareholders or the directors or the officers ) .
26 In passing from one parish to another , in simply crossing a nameless brook or road , we may step back into fields that were created , not by the commissioners of Georgian times , but by the Tudor squire or perhaps even by his monastic predecessors in the fifteenth century .
27 ‘ The coming of age of [ political ] democracy in our society ’ was , in the event , marked in 1979 not by the return to office of the Labour Government which had written the terms of reference for the Bullock Committee , and to which the trade union movement might look for the advancement of industrial democracy as the movement had specified it .
28 Much of the strongest criticism was voiced not by the judges in the House but by non-lawyers such as Lord Benson who had chaired the Royal Commission on Legal Services which reported in 1979 .
29 The FPA also says the death was caused not by the pill itself but by the injection of hormones given afterwards .
30 He said that the handcart was not by the union building , either . ’
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