Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may not be to women 's advantage , but it is there , and it acknowledges the power , albeit negative , of women 's cycles of fertility .
2 She could not be to Pen as Minnie was to Miss Arabel since there was a mother in between but she had a great desire to see her former charge treat her as freely when he reached manhood .
3 He has just seen that the ultimate aim of the caseworker must not be to casework at all , but to get his cases to face up to caseworking themselves .
4 You can not be without money .
5 It 's just not good enough , it 's every time he gets some new feathers and as an officer of the Roman Imperial Army he must not be without feathers .
6 It can not be without significance that Ealhmund , slain by Eardwulf 's men in 800 , was buried at Derby and venerated as a saint in Mercia .
7 A woman I know has given me the name of a midwife who will come and otherwise I shall have to engage a nurse for the shortest time possible since I can not be without assistance when my time comes .
8 In the climate of the Third Reich itself , it goes without saying that the barrage of Nazi propaganda could not be without effect in extending and deepening already prevalent anti-Semitic attitudes .
9 Miss Calder and Mr. Persaud will therefore not be without remedy if they wish to pursue the avenue of appeal to the Court of Appeal and if they can persuade that court to grant them leave to appeal out of time against the relevant decision of the Visitors .
10 ‘ But this might be an adventure , and further revelations from the lips of the Lady Lina would not be without reward !
11 But it will not be under s 11 , TMA 1970 for failure to make a return , but under s 96 for submission of an incorrect return .
12 But if the asserted proposition is about Ruritania , then surely it must be false , for in that case the subject term has a reference , i.e. there is something for the proposition to be true about If , on the other hand , the proposition is true , then by the same token it can not be about Ruritania , for Ruritania does not exist ; it is fiction .
13 The campaign would not be about personalities , he stressed , but about the stark choice between internationalism and nationalism .
14 In the North and West it may not be worth while sowing a catch crop after a late harvest , particularly if the ground is wet .
15 However , testing for boundedness as a general procedure would not be worth while , in general .
16 In saying that the free market equilibrium would be at E , we are really saying that it would not be worth while for each individual to check up privately on each and every drug on the market .
17 Unregistered foals could be worth less and may not be worth breeding for sale .
18 If you are sorry that you can not be of assistance , then you should say so .
19 It may or may not be of significance that the Oxford English Dictionary can find no instance of the word ‘ pornography ’ being used before 1864 ( in a decade , it may be noted , which also saw a generalised use of the term ‘ capitalism ’ ) .
20 This need not be of concern as easily chewed food like fish fingers , beefburgers , and rissoles are commonly provided as children 's foods .
21 The only greenbelt erm er in North Yorkshire er is the is is the West Yorkshire statutory greenbelt in the Western part er of Selby District Council , but the area of land the area of search that we have defined as about er ten miles would not take in any er would not be of relevance to the West Yorkshire greenbelt .
22 It may not be of safety but it maybe er not the sort of thing that we want .
23 Unlike Hobbes , however , he allows that ideas or concepts can be general , universal , or abstract , and need not be of particulars .
24 ‘ Forgive me if I seem to be playing the amateur sleuth once again , but something else occurred to me the other day , which might or might not be of interest to you . ’
25 Surely such a creature can not be of use to us ? ’
26 In addition , there was the set of Hardnut 's Cathedral keys which might or might not be with Wheeler .
27 ‘ Not till the next time you come , anyway , and that might not be for ages . ’
28 SHOULD the personable Steve Norris fail to impress as an under-secretary at the Transport Department , it should not be for want of preparation .
29 SHOULD the personable Steve Norris fail to impress as an under-secretary at the Transport Department , it should not be for want of preparation .
30 But ‘ photographs of the Soviet Union will not be for sale , ’ he said .
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