Example sentences of "[not/n't] just to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But there is a very urgent sense in which the Caribbean family fails to encourage sufficiently or places too much pressure on their offspring at school ; and there is every reason to surmise that this is of general relevance — not just to sportsmen .
2 This applies to every type of aircraft and not just to gliders .
3 It means it will apply to everybody , not just to Grunwick strikers .
4 That would reduce the threat not just to tigers , but also to rhinos , bears , pangolins and many others .
5 On the other hand , if this distinction is wrong , if faith depends on knowledge and knowledge depends on faith , then doubt would be a challenge to both knowledge and faith and not just to faith .
6 It should go without saying that questions about the purposes and character of children 's learning are of fundamental importance not just to teachers but also to those who undertake the task of constructing the policies and strategies through which teachers ' ideas and practices are shaped .
7 Examples of this outward expansion , combined with an increasing centralization , are confined not just to sites dependent on a single main road , as at Brough-on-Fosse , but also to sites developing at road junctions as in the case of Great Chesterford .
8 But they 're not the only ones , by the way , I 'm also concerned about the fact that more and more young people seem to be in this syndrome and I 've a feeling that that comes down not just to government things , but also to the problems in the family as a whole .
9 Western managers talk about the need for firms to pay attention not just to shareholders but also to other ‘ stakeholders ’ such as customers , suppliers , employees and neighbours .
10 In case of doubt , Justinian ruled that these provisions applied not just to dispositions charged on the heir , but also to trusts charged on legatees and trust beneficiaries .
11 I wanted so much to put into words , in a novel or a play , all that you and I felt for one another , not just to love love but to inscribe it as George Eliot and Willa Cather had done .
12 The equal protection cases show how important formal equality becomes when it is understood to require integrity as well as bare logical consistency , when it demands fidelity not just to rules but to the theories of fairness and justice that these rules presuppose by way of justification .
13 The Alliance , which increasingly became a de facto Nonconformist organization , existed not just to fight popery but Puseyism and also to coordinate Evangelical work .
14 This extra Gricean ingredient in the conceptual analysis of linguistic meaning applies not just to cases of lying but to linguistic communication in general .
15 It searches my attitudes not just to blacks , gays , AIDS victims or the lepers of our society , like the down-and-outs , drug addicts and others .
16 This was sent to every house not just to members of St Peter 's church and dealt with general social topics e.g. place of work , type of work , size of household etc .
17 ‘ Standards ’ in this context applies not just to reading , writing and arithmetic but to important intangibles like self-confidence , responsibility and self-discipline .
18 In the 1962 election he stood against McAteer , making it clear that he was just as committed a nationalist but criticising the MP for the narrowness of his appeal and calling on him to send his election literature to all voters , not just to Catholics .
19 And the Holy Spirit has been promised to every follower of Christ , not just to apostles .
20 This is a much more difficult question to answer , because it involves applying the quantum principle to the structure of time and space themselves and not just to particle paths in a given space-time background .
21 It is useful to be able to read aloud well , not just to brothers and sisters , but to other people as well .
22 During this session teachers noticed how quickly most of the pupils related the information in the tape/slide sequence and in books from the library to modern fictional recreations — not just to films such as Hope and Glory but also to the series Dad 's Army which had recently been repeated on television .
23 The interesting thing is that while the hard core fan is obviously going to buy a strip , we are selling more and more of them as fashion and leisure garments , and not just to kids . ’
24 Its little man-shaped creatures , first paraded in The Hobbit ( 1937 ) , hark back not just to Kipling but far beyond him to medieval romance .
25 If Fumaroli fears for the future of French traditions , if he worries that his students will one day no longer be reading Montaigne and Proust , he should address himself not just to Mr Lang , but also to Mr Berlusconi and Mr Murdoch and Mr Hersant .
26 THE GOLDEN GATE Bridge is the gateway not just to San Francisco Bay but to a vast inland sea — America 's Mediterranean .
27 They were all things to which the audience could relate and the more they related the more they laughed — which gave instant satisfaction not just to Charlie Williams and Lou ( who , of course , thought that everything her Ken did was wonderful ) but to Michael Codron , the producer and the young man who wrote it all — Peter Cook .
28 Such information needs to be made available , not just to patients , their families , and their doctors , but perhaps more importantly , to actuaries , insurers , and those advising employers .
29 Such information needs to be made available , not just to patients and their doctors , but perhaps more importantly , to actuaries , insurers , and those advising employers .
30 We are fit and we are ready , not just to win , but to govern the people of this country .
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