Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which can not be limited as required by this Protocol ; and consequently , in each such case , are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction .
2 The MMC proposed a behavioural remedy , that in their agreements with manufacturers , franchised dealers be allowed to advertise outside their designated territories and to acquire dealerships outside that territory , and not be limited as to the number of cars they may sell .
3 It will not be filled as full later so if it can withstand the water pressure when full , it will be safe .
4 Such detail will not be volunteered as a general rule .
5 The defence of consent can obviously not be pleaded as it can be and generally is for rape .
6 Winter savory can be grown from seed sown outdoors in August ; it should not be covered as it needs light to germinate when it will then sprout in about ten days .
7 So here was another demonstration to WEA members that the resident professional officer , whether Extra-Mural Board tutor or WEA tutor-organiser , need not be regarded as essential .
8 These tips are intended to help , but should not be regarded as foolproof .
9 There are , of course , considerable variations in shape , size , and appearance of genitalia and any such differences should not be regarded as abnormal .
10 The movement of the mind into the transcendent should not be regarded as extraordinary or amazing .
11 These funerary items were nearly always painted by heraldic amateurs — signwriters , coachbuilders and so on — so although they provide useful clues they should not be regarded as authoritative , but of course the fact that they are not can also form part of the story the local historian has to tell .
12 The modifications introduced should not be regarded as fundamental .
13 This passage forcibly expressed Bukharin 's concern that , given the conditions then prevailing , the ‘ plan ’ should not be regarded as being actually able to control all the elements that had to be taken into account .
14 ‘ We do not think it is possible to deny that there are circumstances in which individuals may justifiably choose to enter into a homosexual relationship ... [ although ] such a relationship could not be regarded as the moral or social equivalent of marriage . '
15 In this case , Savory alleged that the doctrine of constructive notice was not relevant to this type of commercial transaction and on the facts it would not be regarded as having known that the £13.5m was trust money belonging to Eagle .
16 Standard English should not be regarded as fixed .
17 As for polyunsaturated fats , these are a preferable substitute in our diet , but even they should not be regarded as totally beneficial .
18 In traditional society this would not be regarded as sponging or parasitism , for it was felt that one 's relationship to one 's own son was no closer than that to the sons of siblings , and most people had more nephews than sons .
19 The ‘ opposition ’ governors imagine themselves to be more important than they really are ; they have state , not federal , responsibilities ; their comments on federal matters should therefore not be regarded as of primary importance ; and , if they were reported fully at all times , this would be giving them a greater prominence in national affairs than they deserve .
20 These offences can not be regarded as trivial because sometimes they result in an employee 's or innocent bystander 's death , serious injury , or permanently impaired health .
21 Attempting to get to grips with all the developments in nursing over the past five years is meat enough for any expert , and you will not be regarded as letting the side down just because you are not familiar with all the latest terminology or research in your clinical specialty .
22 According to her , aggression ‘ involves the intention to hurt or emerge superior to others , does not necessarily involve physical injury ( violence ) and may or may not be regarded as being underpinned by different kinds of motives ’ .
23 Moreover , apart from this defect , the election could not be regarded as complete until he had received his pallium from the pope , and he would be liable to deposition unless he received it within a year of his consecration .
24 And , although progress in conventional careers may not be regarded as achievable , clearly certain things are , as I will now show .
25 Findings based on very limited evidence can not be regarded as being firmly established and need to be verified by means of additional observations and cases .
26 This deviant case analysis , while yielding important insights , can not be regarded as providing all the variables needed to explain firm by firm variations , as more research is necessary to construct a more refined typology , in particular one which could distinguish between the different types of professional integration here revealed , i.e. attitudinal , dependence on court , and dependence on the good opinion of high status practitioners .
27 Though there seems to be no public law right of consultation , the issue may or may not be regarded as germane , depending on other points of law in the case .
28 Without such formal arrangements , attempts to fix the franc 's parity against the D-mark will not be regarded as credible .
29 Lastly , the points used in the control group can not be regarded as suitable : electrical stimulation of needles only 2 cm from the real points is unlikely to be without some effect .
30 Even so , Finnis remains committed to the proposition that in determining the concept of property the legislator 's choice can not be regarded as wholly unfettered or arbitrary .
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