Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He approached the county councillor and poet , Francis Thomas , and told him he would not be renewing the lease on Tybrith as they had now outgrown it .
2 On the day on which 6,500 redundancy notices were delivered to army personnel , Grampian Enterprise confirmed it would not be renewing the grant when the 18-month contract runs out in March .
3 Perhaps sometime I 'll be able to devise a way round my official non-existence and apply for a gun myself , though even then , all things considered , I might not be granted a licence .
4 Child rearing is more ‘ permissive ’ , and while children may not be granted the status of equal partners in the family decision-making process , they are no longer simply expected to be seen and not heard .
5 The US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has announced that it will not be tightening the standard for low-level ozone , the principal ingredient of smog .
6 The budget need not be balanced every year but should be balanced over the trade cycle , with surpluses in booms and deficits in slumps .
7 This may be true , but he should not be clouding the issue with irrelevant gibes at the ‘ competition . ’
8 And they would not be choosing the Communist Party .
9 I am sure that he will not be preaching an anti-Christian message .
10 People like those keen gardeners who talk to their flowers and love them , may not be helping the flowers but they are doing themselves much good , for love benefits the lover more than the loved .
11 These parents may not be providing a good quality of interaction with their child and so demand a much higher level of therapeutic input .
12 Is he aware that had the Government encouraged investment in slaughtering facilities , we would not be exporting the jobs that are now being lost ?
13 If an individual item can not be matched the wording of this clause should be brought to the attention of the policyholder .
14 In that case the court found that the auditors ' certificate was based on a mistaken interpretation of the agreement between the partners : this would probably not be decided the same way today : see 13.6 , 13.7 and 13.9 .
15 While I am far too gentle and decent a person to criticise any Opposition Member who has joined in the expressions of appreciation of this action , I have to say , in the kindest possible way , that if the defence policies to which the Opposition subscribe — I include all the Opposition parties — were implemented , we should not be ordering a rowing boat , let alone three frigates .
16 The Strathclyde university report stated : ’ The idea of a mature tobacco market ’ — that means a market which can not expand any further ’ can not be supported the key group for the tobacco industry is young smokers .
17 The man may or may not be earning a wage ; he may not understand the particular needs of the children .
18 When converted into German marks , the workers would not be earning a great deal .
19 The pluralist answer to these arguments would not be to deny the existence of conflict ; on the contrary , one of the great virtues of the pluralist model in the eyes of its proponents is the emphasis on the positive benefits of conflict and diversity within a society .
20 Senior Shadow Cabinet sources indicated last night that Mrs Margaret Beckett , spokesman on Treasury affairs , would not be seeking the deputy leadership as part of a ‘ dream ticket ’ with John Smith .
21 Put in the language of this chapter , we should not be seeking the Holy Grail in the curriculum or anywhere else , but attempting to create relationships between management and professionality within structures which are good at bringing about change without exhausting or demeaning teachers in the process .
22 Last week Dr Feeney , who has just completed a lecture tour of the States , let it be known he would not be seeking the SDLP nomination to contest the Oldpark ward in North Belfast .
23 If Blake could not be exchanged the only alternative was to get him out of prison .
24 If the answer to the question is the latter , then the [ referee ] could not be exercising a judicial function or a quasi-judicial function , if there is any such distinction .
25 However , it will not be producing an aggressive consumer recruitment campaign .
26 All the same , Reader 's Digest is a successful publishing house and it seems to me that the company would not be producing the book if it were not convinced that there is a big market for such works .
27 A dog that gains a third prize is a dog that lacks quality and is not perfect in construction , but one that still can not be called a poor specimen .
28 This would of itself set off ecumenical vibrations such that , although it could not be called a ‘ Council of reunion ’ like Florence , it could be a Council leading towards what he called ‘ the recomposition of the whole mystical flock of Christ ’ .
29 If a law is such that there are no criteria whereby an independent observer might decide whether it is obeyed or deviated from , the law in question can not be called a " law " in any intelligible sense .
30 Similarly , an excess of payments over receipts can not be called a loss because apart from anything else the payments might include the acquisition of assets .
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