Example sentences of "[not/n't] [to-vb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I went back , not to see the same people , but I went back , erm , on a a family holiday .
2 Again , tiger teeth found in Bornean caves are believed to have been placed there by man and not to indicate the former presence of the animal on that island .
3 In fixing frequency of circulation , acquisition costs of the book should be measured against the total administrative costs ( especially transport ) of circulation — the latter not to exceed the former .
4 As a general rule , it is a good idea not to choose the same accountant as your manager .
5 Important : Remember not to use the same essence throughout the programme .
6 He captured Isaac 's wife and daughter , and having promised not to put the former ruler in irons , had silver chains made for him .
7 Not to do the same .
8 He has also made a film telling young people not to do the same .
9 He once confronted three baiters but after an ugly scene with them he advises people not to do the same .
10 These creditors will be determined not to let the same thing happen to Pan Am .
11 It did n't seem to me the way to behave towards someone with whom you had shared a good many midnight hours , swopping confidences and generally letting your hair down , not to mention the many other evenings when we had had such fun with Henry and Jimmy , and I felt rather aggrieved at being treated this way .
12 He joined the Puffin Bookshop in the summer of 1985 and quickly established himself as someone with a deep interest in books for children , especially for the very young , and won the hearts of customers , fellow members of staff and publishers visiting the shop , not to mention the many authors and illustrators who gave their time freely for the events and signings at the bookshop .
13 The effect of ending the rule will be to give retailers freedom to choose whether or not to charge the same , whether payment is made by credit card or cash . ’
14 SIR — As a convicted British tribalist , Scottish branch , may I urge the new Government of Great Britain not to make the same mistake as the British tribalists , English branch , who failed for so long to find a use for County Hall in London after Livingstone et al.
15 If however the attempted rescues were purely an ill-judged attempt to preserve employment , we need only resolve not to make the same mistake again .
16 It is not hard to imagine that the Old King was obsessed by the problems that had arisen alter he had recognized young Henry as his heir and was determined not to make the same mistake again .
17 I try not to make the same mistake twice . ’
18 She was careful not to make the same mistake .
19 I 'm determined not to make the same mistake with them . ’
20 With plans afoot for two more major routes through the region , the Government 's being urged not to make the same mistake again .
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