Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] quite the " in BNC.

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1 If you held the kind of philosophy that I do , you would realize that , in friendship , presence and absence , propinquity and distance , do not make quite the difference that they do in mere acquaintanceship .
2 Categories such as ‘ theatre and entertainment ’ or ‘ cinema and film ’ did not include quite the same things in 1987 as in 1961 , or not in the same proportions .
3 Members of the public , that is : public figures , says the report , need not expect quite the same degree of sanctuary .
4 Sadly many of them did not show quite the high standard of dress they expect of their pupils .
5 Unfortunately , people do not feel quite the same craving to buy products made of recycled materials .
6 ‘ Yes , ’ she breathed , ‘ oh , Havvie , yes , ’ and if , when he kissed her , with the perfect decorum with which a well brought up young peer should treat a single girl — even one who had promised to be his wife — she did not feel quite the surge of passion which she had expected , she put that down to her inexperience , and his tentative handling of her , which would change with time , she knew .
7 This borrowed item , no doubt bequeathed by some burly and well-meaning district commissioner , does not possess quite the same significance in this ambience as it had in its original context .
8 Such arguments as these suggest that price subsidies and in-kind transfers do not possess quite the overwhelming advantage for the stimulation of consumption of goods that appeared to be evident above .
9 ‘ Yes , ’ Frau Nordern sat bolt upright and gave Marx her commanding glare which , however , did not have quite the same effect on him as it had done on the Duty Officer .
10 A ‘ Dear Joan ’ feature , the letters of Mrs Kinnock to her chum Miss Joan Ruddock , does not have quite the same humorous potential .
11 The Trade Unions did not have quite the grip on the economy that they have today and its effects were not absolute .
12 Well , league and cup matches may not have quite the lure of England and Australia , but , as far as I can tell , clubs are doing their utmost to keep rugby 's momentum going .
13 In the totalitarian state however , agriculture does not have quite the same result .
14 The supposed expansion in directions perpendicular to AD still ensures that there can be no stable periodic orbits , but an analysis similar to that in the previous section does not have quite the same result .
15 While the prospect of cycling through York is attractive the idea of doing the same thing in Newcastle or Middlesbrough does not have quite the same allure .
16 They did not seem quite the sort of men one imagined Ianthe knowing as friends , though she had certainly greeted them cordially enough .
17 BRITAIN 'S national indoor athletics championships at Birmingham will not seem quite the same this weekend with new sponsors , no Cosford , no national TV coverage and no Linford Christie .
18 The work does not offer quite the same opportunities for an indulgent emotional approach , perhaps because the prevalence of the march motto-theme keeps conductors nearer to the straight and narrow .
19 George Birkitt did n't show quite the same smooth tact in his dealings with the actor he was replacing .
20 Closely related species , however , like chimps and humans , have such large chunks of adjacent contents in common that we can easily identify them as basically the same , even though we ca n't use quite the same addressing system for the two species .
21 It does n't look quite the same .
22 Farmoor Reservoir does n't provide quite the same conditions as those off the coast of Brittany .
23 It does n't sound quite the same when you put it on at the desk . ’
24 The ultimate distinction for any performance of this work must be to topple over and drown in its own pretentiousness and Segerstam 's direction does n't possess quite the urgency or the dazzle to achieve that .
25 A literal translation would be ‘ undertaker ’ , which does n't have quite the right ring !
26 Nigel had often thought of stealing a girlfriend off his son , but did n't have quite the same tastes .
27 It does n't have quite the presence or the lovely transparency of the Seymour-equipped hybrid , but the Texas Specials make it sound fractionally bigger , deeper and more authoritative .
28 ‘ Bent ’ does n't have quite the same connotations over here , by the way …
29 The Jayhawks know what it 's like laying dimes on railroad tracks and bareback horse-riding through Nevada ( trainspotting in Crewe and donkey rides in Brighton do n't have quite the same ring ) .
30 We do , after all , sneer rather more than our US cousins and somehow ‘ Have a nice day ’ and exhortations to visit the Château De La Belle Au Bois Dormant wo n't have quite the same flavour in French .
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