Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] you [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ May we not lend you a mount , Miss Abbott ? ’
2 You may enjoy talking but this does not make you a wizard at verbal presentations .
3 Even this thing you say you did — even that does not make you a bad man .
4 ‘ These will not make you a courtier , Roger , but at least you wo n't be a beggar ! ’
5 If you get stuck , pressing a combination of keys will show you one solution but , will not show you the graphics display that follows , to see that , you must solve the puzzle yourself , and judging by the opening graphics should be pretty good .
6 Due to the constraints of the Trove system we can not show you the policies as they are actually printed .
7 In looking back at my records I notice that I did not send you the enclosed form which I have now completed .
8 If the surveyor states that the property is most definitely not worth the agreed price and the building society will not advance you the money you need , you have three choices : abandon the property and look again , or go to another building society and hope that another surveyor will not make the same judgement , or go to your vendor 's estate agent , explain the situation and hope that the vendor will drop the price .
9 I can not give you a firm promise that this is the turning point .
10 ‘ No , Constanza , ’ Ludovico replied , ‘ I did not give you a shock .
11 That you brought her here , back to her chosen home , does not give you a better claim than ours , though it does you infinite credit .
12 Although many Homes may not give you an induction pack , you could start to make up one of your own .
13 That , that 's fine as , as long as cash handling to salaries does not give you an additional security or handling problem .
14 Perhaps by contemplating you will find something that is wrong in your proposition … dig the gold and look at the country , but we can not give you the country you ask for .
15 The mixture of an SD1 engine , Range Rover flywheel and exhaust in a Range Rover does not give you the power that you might expect , so be careful when mixing engine components such as flywheels , camshafts , distributor and carbs from different engine applications .
16 If they ca n't help you speak to the feed companies themselves , and if they can not give you the information you want do n't buy their feed , its as simple as that !
17 I can not give you the exact quantities you should use , for it will vary from one water to another according to the carp population .
18 All this may seem like a put-off — but so many have died through lack of thought , facilities and impatience I can not give you the impression that they are going to be cheap and easy , quite the reverse !
19 ‘ Her Majesty is paying your bills now , not the State , but that does not give you the right to behave any way you like . ’
20 However , this does not give you the automatic right to go overdrawn .
21 You came here once before asking questions and perhaps I did not give you the best answers . ’
22 Your card does not give you the right to overdraw your account .
23 The retailer should not sell you the first slice and the second cut should be of a bright , usually pink colour .
24 They will not tell you a lot about what 's going to make him tick as an adult , except that he might be good at a particular academic subject . ’
25 And then she added , ‘ But why not tell you the truth ?
26 Aye you see I can not tell you the right story , but when Mary Queen of Scots
27 I d I know that , there 's that phrase you know , we will never see his like again , I think we probably will , but it will be a very long time , and I can not tell you the infinite feeling of sadness erm , that I felt when I heard of his passing .
28 We do not tell you the location of these areas , nor do we tell you which pennant is in which combat zone .
29 That 's right so you then go into the en suite room , well I can not tell you the trouble I 've had from the en suite !
30 If I do not wish to continue after the three monthly issues I will write and let you know within 10 days of receiving my third issue and will not owe you a penny .
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