Example sentences of "[not/n't] [v-ing] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He says these new recruits to higher education , entering universities in large numbers are not seeing long-term change towards the market , so much as a reduced staff:student ratio , meaning less one-to-one contact , and larger , less frequent tutorial groups .
2 The owners are not seeing guilty behaviour when Rover slinks across the floor , they are seeing the submissive behaviour Rover displays in anticipation of the aggression , however mild , the owners are about to use in attempt to reprimand him .
3 Later , Crawford generously conceded to Sherrin that the decision was right and it was a lesson in not using substandard material .
4 By September contracts had been signed for the import of scarce food and consumer goods worth 43,000 million roubles , mostly on a barter or joint-enterprise basis ( that is , not using hard currency ) ; some of the imports were to meet the demands of striking miners [ see p. 36826 ] .
5 Data volumes can also be cut by not using full screen video .
6 It is that people are forgetting or just not using Andean technology , so they are exhausting the soil .
7 The first thing to do is make sure you 're not wasting Conventional memory ,
8 The legal system is still not reflecting public abhorrence of rape . ’
9 The cause is a faulty ( or nonexistent ) thermostat not allowing hot water to circulate properly through the inlet manifold .
10 The teacher , while not allowing poor practice , needs to remember that the learner is a learner and needs the opportunity to become proficient .
11 One attractive aspect of this theory is that it highlights the way in which formal instruction can inhibit learning by not allowing sufficient scope for self-expression and self-development — alienation following submission to being taught rather than learning how to learn .
12 Note : We are not suggesting common size statements are the only or best way to do the analysis ; they are used here to illustrate the issue .
13 Given the favourable non-wage labour cost which the minister told us about a moment ago , how does he justify the enormous discrepancy in wages between England and Wales as an average and areas like South Wales and Northumberland where average weekly earnings are up to sixty five pounds less than the average and will he explain to us why the government is not tackling huge wage differentials in this country ?
14 Hence , the man or woman seeking power but occupying an advisory staff position with limited power will become increasingly concerned and frustrated that they are not gaining managerial experience ( and power ) .
15 Is the Chancellor worried that we are not sustaining high employment ?
16 People are not wanting good furniture .
17 The main reasons for not wanting immediate employment were to do with their children and their perceptions of their children 's needs .
18 More generally , the Marre Committee was convinced by the evidence which it received that ignorance was a major cause of people not seeking legal advice when it was appropriate .
19 and that maybe something your Lordship may wish to consider , I 'm a little bit baffled as to why my learned friend has gone for cases on interim measures , we 're not seeking interim relief , we have n't sorted interim injunction , erm to suspend the validity of any particular measure that was the basis of all of his case
20 because validity of the section fourteen is the question for ultimate trial , we 're not seeking interim relief against that , we have n't done that my Lord that in our submission is the highest and the best that they could achieve erm properly erm which was to avoid a stay on a reference and they could then continue with the proceedings rather than be put off for a , a very , you know what maybe a year and a half , er if the court dealt with it in the normal way , or perhaps even a little bit longer , erm , but to actually go to further than that and to deny the defendant the right to put up a , a proper E E C defence , my Lord in my submission would be erm without the jurisdiction of the court .
21 Although Bhutto stressed that Pakistan was not seeking military confrontation with India , she reiterated that her government would continue to be " steadfast " in its support for the right of self-determination by the people of Kashmir .
22 He does not equate absolute Truth with particular instances of truth but that does not prevent him from recognizing that particular instances of truth , while not embodying absolute Truth , are nevertheless necessary to convey the meaning of absolute Truth .
23 When St Paul declared that in Christ there is neither rich nor poor , bond nor free , man nor woman , he was precisely not advocating egalitarian taxation , equal rights or the abolition of slavery .
24 They were very alike ; so why was it that the windows of Rose looked darker , somehow , the glass heavy and black , not glinting rich gold , like Brier , in the late sunshine ?
25 IN compiling its own comparison table of schools within the region , the Daily Post has followed the lead of many education experts in not publishing raw examination results , pitting one school against another .
26 ( e.g. not disclosing personal identity number to anyone ) .
27 It is described as a new approach to the regulation of emissions to air , land and sea from most polluting processes , and will apply the concept of ‘ best available techniques not entailing excessive cost ’ .
28 Legislation requires the authorities to ensure that industry uses the best available techniques not entailing excessive cost ( BATNEEC ) to abate pollution .
29 In particular , it must meet with the best available techniques not entailing excessive cost ( BATNEEC ) and , where a process has emissions to more than one environmental media , the best practicable environmental option ( BPEO ) .
30 Elkington denies that his recommendations were based on the BATNEEC principle ( Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive Cost ) , at the expense of full environmental accountability .
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