Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 LAUSD will remove all teachers not planning to further their education along with teachers who have not proven to have a passionate concern for the students .
2 None of the patients with alcoholic liver disease who were not referred fulfilled the current criteria , however , since they were not abstinent .
3 ( Please note that it is not intended to issue an agenda or further papers for the presentation . )
4 Microscopes that ‘ see ’ with sound are not intended to take the place of electron and optical instruments .
5 But Acts is clearly not intended to give a complete account of Paul 's activities , and he may well have visited Jerusalem on other occasions which are not recorded .
6 Modified accounts are not intended to give a fair and true view of the company and it is therefore not necessary for such accounts to comply with the disclosure provisions of SSAP .
7 Prior to consideration of each individual Short Course , it should be noted that it is not intended to give a developed version at this point .
8 Robbins insisted that the Committee had not intended to erect a barrier of that kind , and deplored Crosland 's establishment of ‘ a rigid line between them never again to be crossed ’ .
9 In cases of " innocent publication " , where the defendant has not intended to criticise the plaintiff ( either because the defendant did not realise that the words would be understood to refer to the plaintiff or the defendant is unaware of special circumstances which make them defamatory ) liability may be avoided by making an " offer of amends " under s4 of the 1952 Defamation Act .
10 These clauses are merely extracts ; they are not intended to form the basis of a precedent and should not be used as one .
11 This is not intended to undermine the safeguard they provide but to take into account the practical difficulties of implementation .
12 This document is not intended to replace a Will .
13 Our workshop , on Staff Development for Language Teachers in Secondary Schools , although highlighting the informal possibilities which can be developed by committed teachers operating collectively wherever they happen to be working , was not intended to weaken the case for proper provision for community languages with proper validation of the existing expertise .
14 It is not intended to use the system for multiple pitch gradings .
15 A ministry spokeswoman said the testing was ‘ not intended to stop the eggs going onto the market ’ .
16 It is not intended to generate a specific code exclusively for each part but to use a code , in conjunction with the defined attributes and physical size of the part , to describe it , presenting it to the designer in a hypothesis-based reference system .
17 The change of name applies only to the company and its subsidiary and is not intended to affect the rights to any trade name or mark or the reference to ‘ ABC ’ on the product .
18 The Poitevins claimed that they had been attacked while peace talks were in progress and that though they had naturally defended themselves they had certainly not intended to kill the Earl .
19 They had not intended to kill the twins , but what they did with matches was criminally reckless .
20 The 1981 WHO international code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes is not intended to curb the use of these products ; its aim is clearly set down as follows : ‘ to contribute to the provision of safe and adequate nutrition for infants by the protection and promotion of breast-feeding , and by ensuring the proper use of breast-milk substitutes , when these are necessary , on the basis of adequate information and through appropriate marketing and distribution ’ .
21 This method of presentation is not intended to suggest a data collection form , with boxes to be filled .
22 It is not intended to suggest the detail of process nor detailed data storage facilities .
23 The slightly jerky movements almost inseparable from hands-on animation are perfectly acceptable and even comic in a mechanical creature that is not intended to deceive the audience .
24 This is not intended to place a greater burden on recognised bodies than on traditional practices .
25 However , the parol evidence rule is now generally regarded merely as a rule of presumed intention ; it is therefore generally possible to avoid it if it can be shown that the written document was not intended to contain the whole of the parties ' agreement ( J Evans and Son ( Portsmouth ) Ltd v Andrea Merzario Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 1078 ) or that the written agreement was supplemented by a collateral agreement , either oral or in writing ( De Lasalle v Guildford [ 1901 ] 2 KB 215 ; Brikom Investments Ltd v Carr [ 1979 ] QB 467 ) .
26 The requirement of the [ draft ] FRS that issue costs are reflected in the amounts charged to the profit and loss account over the term of a capital instrument is not intended to prohibit the subsequent charging of issue costs to the share premium account by means of a transfer between reserves .
27 The system was not intended to supersede the police role of headmen , but to complement and support it .
28 That being so , and the items being so basic , their lordships held that the parties had not intended to make a contract but had simply agreed to agree .
29 Consequently , this chapter is not intended to provide a detailed and comprehensive documentation of the aids available in the UK .
30 It is not intended to provide a pedestrian crossing of the Bypass at the location of the severed Baberton Mains Terrace if the low level option is adopted .
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