Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They are divisive because they have a tendency to divide women into two camps ; those who have and those who have not shaken the dust of patriarchal conditioning from their feet .
2 ‘ That 's not stopped a lot of men . ’
3 Mr Birt 's display of candour and remorse has not stopped the seepage , leaving the vague impression the whole story may not yet be known .
4 ‘ We have not received a request to meet the MPs to discuss the issue , but we have always said that we are prepared to meet anyone , anywhere and that position has not changed .
5 The Video Recordings Act 1984 was intended to outlaw the ‘ video nasties ’ which were causing such a panic at the time , by making it illegal to distribute films on video which have not received a certificate from the British Board of Film Classification .
6 He was well satisfied — he 'd drawn blood and not received a blow .
7 The United States argued that Nicaragua had not made a valid declaration under Article 36 ( 2 ) , since the Registry of the Permanent Court had not received a notification of deposit of its ratification of the Protocol of Signature of the Statute .
8 And it has still not received a word from the Treasury .
9 The shop certainly had not received a coat of paint in a long time and , though looking decrepit , in earlier years the well proportioned double-fronted premises must have been quite smart .
10 The British ambassador to Vienna complained in the 1780s that he had not received a line in reply to fifty despatches he had sent home ; and when he returned to London he " was under the utmost Astonishment at having been twice to the Secretary of State 's Office without finding a single Soul there " .
11 Yet the Third World countries that these genes came from have not received a cent for them .
12 Under Reg 20 , an employer was to deduct tax at source at the basic rate where he had made a payment to an employee in respect of whom he had not received a code of authorisation , subject to certain conditions .
13 He has not received a reply , but , as a sponsor of a Bill going through Congress threatening retaliation if Japan does not practice an open door policy , his anger could be translated into action .
14 At the lasts two A.G.M. 's of the parent body , the Hong Kong Branch has failed to comply with the constitution in that they have not submitted a Branch Report for consideration by the A.G.M. The chairman of Standing Committee has subsequently written to the Branch on several occasions reminding them of the need to submit a report and so far , has not received a reply .
15 I wrote to the Secretary of State , and my right hon. and hon. Friends wrote to the Prime Minister , but we have not received a reply .
16 As we have not received a report as yet , this will be given to council at their next meeting .
17 She had been working every day for over a month , and had not received a penny for her labour .
18 Club secretary John Ritchie , who is also the Northern League 's registration secretary said : ‘ We 're sorry to be losing Vic , but the man has been doing the job since December and not received a penny .
19 Entry forms are distributed each September and , if your college has not received a form , apply now .
20 Despite their requests , the family had not received a copy of his autopsy report by the end of December 1991 .
21 Health and safety cour training courses according to these reports these are poorly attended with a majority below forty percent but more worrying than that is that nearly half of G M B safety reps said they 'd not received a copy of the safety rep 's kits .
22 If any teacher has not received a card of thanks to take to her class , please let me know .
23 Help is context-sensitive and very useful , though there can be some delay in retrieval sometimes prompting the worry that the program has not received an instruction .
24 To those in Rome who had trusted Christ alone for salvation the Apostle Paul wrote ‘ Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba , Father .
25 It did in fact run out , and still Anselm had not received the pallium which would give him full authority as archbishop .
26 Is my right hon. Friend aware that some British companies have not received the compensation due to them from the Turkish authorities controlling northern Cyprus ?
27 Hughes is convinced that the North West , its tales of achievement drowned out by London 's much-trumpeted experiences , has not received the credit it deserves for its wartime resilience .
28 When she was allowed out of bed the nurses ( who presumably had not received the instruction ) no longer assisted in washing her and the patient said that she would be glad to get home so that her legs and feet could be washed .
29 The buyer has no lien over rejected goods and therefore must hand them over on request even though he has not received the return of his purchase money , Lyons v. May & Baker ( 1923 K.B. ) .
30 I would acknowledge that : ( i ) I was aware that the Board was seeking production of the documents the subject of the notice from the defendant for the purpose of its supervisory functions over the defendant , and ( ii ) if the Bank had not received the information about the subject matter of that investigation the Bank would not have issued the notice .
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