Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , CITES ' attempts to regulate the trade have not stopped the illegal trade .
2 But this has not stopped the two companies , conscious of their high public profile , from starting to sell the deal to the viewers as well as the money men .
3 He took it up in a Pauline spirit , as a reparation ; now the least of Christians ( by special grace ) but once an infidel , and even if he had not persecuted the faithful , one who scorned the Faith , he would do what he could to convert men or stop them from straying away .
4 The Eastern Arts report of nineteen eighty six was never completed what the Eastern Arts did in actual fact was to produce a draft report and promised that the final report would be complete and circulate it as to date which is nineteen ninety-one we have not received the final report of the Eastern Arts appraisal .
5 Many a good dog has been ruined when he has done something good and , for some reason , not received the right response from the handler ; in other words , the wrong association has been created .
6 It is not difficult to see why corporate crime has not received the same publicity as murder , robbery , theft , rape and so on — both in the mass media and in the study of crime .
7 But personal belief and professional judgement have not received the same attention .
8 The World Bank board has approved a loan towards Chile 's Pangue dam project , even though the project has not received the full environmental assessment required under the bank 's operating guidelines .
9 The papal legate in England in 1213 , Nicholas de Romanis , reported that he had not received the 1000 marks left to the pope ( nor the 500 left to the cardinals ) by the archbishop of York , Geoffrey Plantagenet .
10 If , after a set period of time PI has not received the expected mail message , it will ‘ time-out ’ and continue with its normal operation , assuming that the message has been deleted .
11 On second thoughts , she wished she had not uttered the last sentence .
12 Indeed it would be absurd if the following two cases were not treated the same : ( 1 ) A has two deposits each of £10,000 , and he assigns one deposit to B and the other to C ; and ( 2 ) A has one deposit of £20,000 , and he assigns one-half to B and the other half to C.
13 It 's wrong that everybody is not treated the same way .
14 Had he not heard the Arab League spokesman that morning , promising that the Syrian ‘ peace-keepers ’ would ‘ strike with an iron fist ’ at any resistance ?
15 But Allen had not heard the like before .
16 Even now , Grant has not heard the sorriest details about Charlotte 's chronicle of misery during this nightmare waiting period .
17 The third night , above the rattling progress of a late train , he had pummelled Zoë with his fists , and not heard the frightened crying of his children , when she had said that no fucking way was she going to be holed up for the rest of her days in bloody , bloody Damascus .
18 US officials believe they have not heard the last of the Soviet proposal for naval nuclear disarmament , which was carefully phrased to echo a similar plan put forward unofficially by the veteran US arms negotiator , Mr Paul Nitze .
19 But what persuades me that we have not heard the last of Havel the writer is that he combines a total commitment to social freedom and individual responsibility with an extraordinary ironic detachment .
20 ‘ You 've not heard the last of this , ’ Swire Sugden threatened as he stormed out of the church hall .
21 I do not think there is any difference of opinion as to its being a general rule that , where any injury is to be compensated by damages , in settling the sum of money to be given for reparation of damages you should as nearly as possible get at that sum of money which will put the party who has been injured , or who has suffered , in the same position as he would have been in if he had not sustained the wrong for which he is now getting his compensation or reparation .
22 4.5 In Lim Poh Choo v Camden and Islington Area Health Authority [ 1980 ] AC 174 ( per Lord Scarman giving the main speech with which the rest of their Lordships agreed ) the House of Lords re-affirmed what Lord Blackburn had said over 100 years ago : " the principle of the law is that compensation should as nearly as possible put the party who has suffered in the same position as he would have been if he had not sustained the wrong " ( Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co ( 1880 ) 5 App Cas 25 , 39 ) .
23 In fact , by Christmas 1988 , after three months solid debate , it had still not completed the first of the five subject areas laid down by Energy Secretary Cecil Parkinson at the start .
24 But although the GTP produced a massive land boom , it was not given the vast land grants of its predecessor , the CPR .
25 If Heisenberg 's matrix mechanics , or Schrödinger 's wave mechanics , had not given the right answers for the behaviour of objects like hydrogen atoms then certainly no one would have got very excited about them .
26 The other family were made aware of the need for the venous sample some 24 hours before it was taken and were then not given the normal result for a further 24 hours .
27 ‘ They are not clear on their objectives and are not given the technical tools to use on the field so that they can not play to their potential .
28 The result was that a constituent of mine — and no doubt many hundreds of others who have just been referred to by the Minister as being included in the 1,200 people who received grants — was short changed and not given the full amount .
29 Yes Chairman I 'd like to second that and just to erm say very briefly that er erm I , I very much welcome the report and the speed with which the Chief Officer is seen to have addressed most of the issues there are one or two bits that , that were of course were in fact posters , posters er be dealt with erm I have to say I still have some concern erm that the Chief Fire Officer and his team are so well supported on a very broad front on their decision making and their professionalism and yet on other matters of sound advice which has been given by er who are turned aside and just simply not given the proper consideration that they should have as in that er respect Chairman and I , I , I have some concern , erm it , it would not surprise me indeed if the , Her Majesty 's Inspector of er er brigades , when he comes round himself , has some comment to make on that since I think he 's expectations as well are almost as high as mine is .
30 The Married Women 's Property Acts of the 1870s and 1880s permitted women to control their own property , although married women were not given the same capacity as single women to acquire , hold and dispose of property until 1935 .
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