Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The top-security ‘ dispersal prisons ’ are frequently not filled to capacity , while overcrowding is concentrated in local prisons ( which predominantly house remand prisoners and those on short-term sentences ) .
2 There was some opposition in the Committee but it was not pressed to division , and it seems that the restrictions were reluctantly accepted as part of a package deal to get agreement on the report as a whole .
3 He had not adjusted to prison life as Nehru was able to do ; he had found it ‘ a shattering experience ’ .
4 They might not dare to admit it , but they did n't like the changes they saw around them ; they enjoyed television 's recreations of more confident times , when they had had a country to be proud of , when people had reached maturity at forty and had not pandered to youth .
5 I phoned your office on 6 April and left a message asking you or your colleagues to let me know the position but I have not heard to date .
6 The sun shone warm and the air was now very pure : a calm reflective day , not given to laughter .
7 She said that in any case , ‘ she was not given to crying ’ .
8 The Martians were , if we may venture a fanciful interpretation of their character from the gantries , the dry vats , oubliettes and occluded vaults , the forthright aspect of their stairways , gutters and conduits , as of the famous canals themselves , a serious and resolute people , thorough in their undertakings , not given to digression or frivolity .
9 Somewhere in her thirties , long abandoned by a useless husband , and with two small children to bring up , she was not given to self-analysis .
10 A sleepy old town is Devizes Not given to chaos and crisis The major event 's A canoe race in Lent With stiff backs and sore bums as prizes !
11 If to tax and to please , no more than to love and be wise , is not given to man , may I congratulate my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment on seeking to do the impossible .
12 Jazz gave little away , and was not given to complaint .
13 As NASA 's recently launched Cosmic Background Explorer ( COBE ) confirmed , the background looks the same all over the sky , which implies that the cooling fireball which produced it was not given to clumpiness .
14 Even when whole batches of these ended up on sale rails Laura was not given to tergiversation .
15 As Mr Leslie had explained earlier he was completely sober and was not given to imagination , he screwed his eyes up looking for the reason for the footsteps ; he could n't see the feet but heard them quite distinctly passing him in the ballast below .
16 Her was not given to eloquence about the beauties of the countryside , and was puzzled that he should come out with this remark .
17 Melissa was not given to premonition but the fear that something had happened to Sybil had taken hold and would not be shaken off .
18 Theodora was not given to hyperbole .
19 They can thank whatever devils they happen to worship that I have much gentleness in my soul and am not given to vituperation or excessive polemic .
20 Not given to self-pity , he heaved the problem out of his mind and tried to look forward to the challenges of tomorrow , but weariness overtook him and he retired to the shed and his mothy sleeping bag .
21 I 'm not given to prudery , but at the thought of some poor woman in the Clerical Grade being allowed to read this … this … whatever it is , I feel a flush of pure shame inside my beard .
22 Deciduous trees appear less affected than conifers , partly because they offer a smaller area of foliage , and partly because they shed their leaves each autumn and hence are not exposed to air pollution for such a long time as conifers .
23 Last week the UK Department of Health confirmed its earlier recommendations that the risk of cot death is reduced if infants are laid to sleep on their backs , if they are not exposed to cigarette smoke before or after birth , and if they are not overwrapped or overheated , especially when feverish or unwell .
24 Two caucasian Oxford residents with HLA-B53 but not exposed to malaria were tested as controls and neither responded to any peptide .
25 Thirteenth-century reformers expended much energy and ingenuity trying to ensure that parishes were properly served and that the souls of parishioners were not exposed to perdition by the negligence and greed of pluralist incumbents .
26 Obviously this kind of argument is not limited to biochemistry .
27 This study shows that the motor activity of the normal human oesophagus is not limited to contraction waves in response to swallowing , but that non-deglutitive motility patterns occur in almost all normal gullets .
28 In making such an appraisal , the MMC is not limited to competition questions , but is supposed to consider all factors which appear relevant : the balanced distribution of industry and employment in the UK is listed as relevant and , in the past , the MMC has also examined the effect on the balance of payments and on imports .
29 It is recognised that full configuration control of software is not limited to source code and that it is desirable to control the whole environment in which the target machine-code is produced .
30 Moreover , the test applies to all unusual or unreasonable terms , and is not limited to exclusion and limitation clauses .
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