Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ENGLAND fly out to Poland today confident of securing the draw that will be sufficient to take them to the World Cup finals , stirred but not shaken by a warning from Bobby Moore .
2 These arguments apply just as much where there is a non-cumulative several liability , not annexed to a joint liability , as they do where it is so annexed .
3 Perhaps what has saved it is the fact that it is not situated on a major road .
4 Mrs. Upton explained that the polling station was changed this year to the Forestry Commission 's office in Alice Holt Forest , so that it would be more centrally located for Bucks Horn Oak voters , and not situated in a school which would then have to be closed for the day .
5 Attitudes towards employment , retirement , and early retirement are not formed in a vacuum .
6 On scrutinising the notes of the 80 patients not referred for a specialist opinion we concluded that a nephrological opinion might have helped management in 17 cases .
7 If this population is representative of the situation nationally , substantial numbers of patients with end stage liver disease might benefit from liver transplantation , but are not referred to a centre .
8 In general , they found that parents regarded care on a voluntary basis as helpful and positive — a service to families in times of difficulty that should be more readily offered , not treated as a last resort .
9 None is , nor can be , so structured as to ensure that the individual is not treated as a thing , as a commodity for use in the process of production or provision .
10 However , a person is not treated as a seasonal worker if his off-season , or off-seasons in aggregate , do not exceed seven weeks .
11 The storm damage was not treated as a consequence of the collision but as an intervening event in the course of an ordinary voyage .
12 However , in Re Cadbury Schweppes Ltd 's Agreement [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 307 a parent company and a subsidiary were not treated as a single person where two companies agreed to accept restrictions on the supply of goods to a third which was a subsidiary of one of them .
13 Do you tell me that my brother is not treated in a like manner ? ’
14 Despite introducing some dynamic elements into the discussion , these are not treated in a formal way .
15 I sincerely hope that Mrs. X 's complaint was not treated in a dismissive way because , as she readily admitted , she was drunk at the time of the assault .
16 Now if these maxims of co-operation are not honoured by a speaker on a particular occasion and the hearer has reason to suppose that this is intentional , the hearer will look for meanings other than those which are explicitly expressed .
17 She had not pressed for a statement at Westminster out of respect to his family .
18 The losses involved in retirement are often either not foreseen , or not recognized as a problem .
19 Lying is never due to witchcraft , nor can it excuse adultery ; a thief can not plead in mitigation that he was bewitched , for witchcraft is not recognized as a cause of theft .
20 It is more difficult to talk about the construction of ‘ physical science ’ than it is to talk about the construction of physics , because physical science is not recognized as a discipline in the way that physics is .
21 When one recalls that for decades geography was not recognized as a scholarly discipline , one can not perhaps be surprised that some scientists have unsuspectingly spent their whole careers studying geography — rather like the well-known character of Molière who did not know that he had been speaking prose all his life !
22 Although Symphonic Variations was not intended as a ritual , Ashton can be said to have used it as such for six dancers who were practising their art in the spacious simplicity of Sophie Fedorovitch 's décor .
23 ‘ Support ’ in the Act is not intended as a universal service for all , but one selectively applied to ‘ children in need ’ .
24 The picture in our feature was supplied to us by a manufacturer to illustrate a particular cot set and was not intended as a recommendation of how to put a baby down to sleep .
25 The console is not intended as a pattern storage system .
26 ‘ It 's a long way to go for a 45-minute service and a reception — even if you 're not 92 years old , ’ said one of her aides , who insisted that her absence was not intended as a snub .
27 The surprises of God are not intended as a substitute for strategy .
28 Blame can not be laid at the doorstep of any single photographer , designer , journalist or editor — this is not intended as a smug pop at our predecessors , nor a dig at individuals .
29 This invariably only occurs when the mulch is allowed to pack and remain undisturbed — mulching is not intended as a boon to lazy gardening by putting an end to the need for hoeing .
30 It is not intended as a mass-market machine , says Dennis Saloky , DEC 's marketing programmes manager for NT .
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