Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In curing a Gentile , Mark is stressing the fact that Jesus ' power over evil is not witnessed by Jews alone , but extends to all people .
2 So in the past , when we were not shielded from moonlight , it may have had an effect .
3 As soon as she is married and enters her husband 's family and clan group she is considered a potential source of danger , because her sexuality remains still incompletely controlled and its beneficiality as yet not proven through child-bearing .
4 Of course , the validity of the historical ages was not proven beyond doubt , but it was realised that tree rings could provide the truly ‘ known-age ’ material needed to test the accuracy of the new technique .
5 People aroused by the possibilities of social power will seek it more consistently than those who are not aroused by power .
6 The rain had not stopped for days on end .
7 Already , in effect , US military commanders — in this case , the commander of US naval forces in the Western Pacific — were testifying to the domino effect : if Chinese communists were not stopped in South China , Indo-China , Burma , and perhaps Malaya , would then fall , either from internal subversion or external attack .
8 The French troops had not stopped in Frasnes , but were marching doggedly on towards Sharpe who supposed that their orders were to seize the crossroads at Quatre Bras before nightfall .
9 Half of those giving a trade credit report said that payment was not received on time and two-thirds said that the situation was worse than 12 months previously .
10 For one thing it seems that Ho 's reply , via Saigon , was held up deliberately by the French authorities so that it was not received in Paris until after the war had begun .
11 a document connected with the appeal was not received in time by one of the parties or their representative ;
12 Postal service of process , not received in time
13 However , works produced in only a small number of copies are often not received in terms of the Copyright Act , and instead are purchased to ensure that a copy is added to the collection .
14 To begin with , the first draft regulations were not received until July 1987 instead of March 1987 as had been first intimated by the DHSS .
15 Final regulations were only received in early December , and regulations for calculating transitional support were not received until mid-December .
16 I mean — no surprise , but he 's not registered as Charles Singer . ’
17 The pathogenesis , diagnosis , treatment and control measures are as for the other ruminants , but care must be taken in choosing the anthelmintic since many of those recommended for sheep and cattle are not registered for use in goats .
18 An overseas individual subscriber not registered for VAT , who may previously have incurred VAT through the member state 's post office collection system , will now benefit from a VAT-free magazine , simply because the UK legislation specifically zero-rates those goods — at least for the time being !
19 As flat rate farmers are not registered for VAT , they will not account for VAT on their sales , nor will they be able to make a claim for VAT incurred on business purchases .
20 The sheet explains what an NMT is ; what arrangements apply when supplying an NMT to a person not registered for VAT for removal to another EC country ; what happens if a new vehicle is to be used on UK roads before it is removed to another EC country ; and what to do if obtaining an NMT in the UK for removal to another EC country .
21 Small firms that are not registered for VAT naturally do not charge it .
22 Booksellers may also get entangled in the complexities of the new ‘ distance selling ’ provisions if they are supplying private individuals or small institutions not registered for VAT .
23 I understand that if a bookshop were not registered for VAT it would still be charged VAT by its suppliers but would not be able to reclaim either through Customs & Excise or by passing the charge on to its customers and therefore would face very heavy pressure on margins .
24 The rebel four say : A CLUB SHOP has £60,000 takings a year but is not registered for VAT — and does not appear in the records .
25 Population turnover is high , large numbers are not registered with GPs , high proportions are from other cultures or homeless , refugees are common — in the North Thames regions an estimated 120 000 — and AIDS causes many deaths .
26 You have tried to logon to LIFESPAN from a node which is not registered with LIFESPAN .
27 If a child is not registered at school the LEA must issue a school attendance order ( SAO ) against the parents under section 37(1) of the Education Act 1944 .
28 An action begun in Glasgow for possession of the books , papers and effects was turned down on the grounds that the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not registered in Scotland and that the complaint had therefore been raised " without title or authority " , though these effects were , claimed Shinwell , later handed over " for the sake of peace and quiet " .
29 By a notice of appeal dated 22 July 1991 the administrators appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law in holding that the court had no jurisdiction to make any order under section 238 of the Act of 1986 against the bank ; ( 2 ) the judge should have held that the words ‘ any person ’ in section 238 meant ( in the case of a company ) any company , whether or not registered in England and Wales , or having a place of business in England and Wales , or carrying on business in England and Wales at the time of the transaction complained of ; alternatively , that those words ( in the case of a company ) meant any company with a sufficient connection with England and Wales : and that , on the facts of the case , there was a sufficient connection ; and in either case the court accordingly had jurisdiction to entertain the originating application against the bank , and to grant leave under rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 to serve the bank in Jersey ; and ( 3 ) in construing section 238 of the Act of 1986 the judge had erred in failing ( i ) to hold that the bank , even though a Jersey company , was within the class of persons with respect to whom Parliament was to be presumed to be legislating in section 238 ; ( ii ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the mischief which the section was intended to remedy , and/or to the disastrous practical consequences for all insolvencies with any international element if the operation of the section were limited to those within England and Wales at the time of the transaction complained of ; ( iii ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the legislative context of the section and related sections ; and ( iv ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the fact that the transactions dealt with by the sections necessarily had a connection with England and Wales in that they involved a disposition of the property of a person or company the subject of insolvency proceedings before the courts of England and Wales .
30 However , such tax credits were not granted to agencies or branches of insurance companies which were not registered in France .
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