Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] say [that] " in BNC.

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1 Now how is a pensions regulator going to look at those thirty transactions , therefore are you not effectively saying that the pensions regulator may work in areas where pensions regulation actually works now .
2 For that is not necessarily to say that the Consumers ' Movement 's treatment of production as incidental to its interests was , on a strategic view of the objectives of Co-operation , right .
3 Burhaneddin Haydar Herevi may , from his actions , be presumed to have disapproved of Seyh Bedreddin , which is not necessarily to say that he disapproved of Molla Fenari .
4 It 's not enough to say that things can be done differently or better .
5 It is not enough to say that the compiler has inserted a story that once had a quite independent existence .
6 ( It is not enough to say that you learnt martyrhood from your parents .
7 It is not enough to say that the visual system must contain edge detectors , one also has to say how edge information could be reconstructed from the retinal image and how far the units in the CNS that appear to respond to edges do , in fact , operate according to these computational principles .
8 For it is clearly not enough to say that if two things are observed simultaneously in different spatial positions , then they are two , not one , even though they might be completely alike .
9 It is not enough to say that most asylum applicants are deserving because they come from ’ unstable ’ or ’ strife-torn ’ countries .
10 It is certainly not enough to say that the former position shows " attribution " and the latter " predication " ; one must go on to say what these terms of one 's theory mean , and if our account is to be genuinely explanatory , we must do so in ways which can be related to concepts and phenomena which stand outside our initial theory .
11 I am fascinated to notice that your profession has at last started not merely to say that , but to criticise those who refuse to allow so manifest a fact to be stated in order that it may be examined .
12 I think Oxfordshire 's a brilliant place , and I 'm not just saying that because we 're on the air .
13 But one can not just say that the tau neutrino is heavy and leave it at that .
14 Her dislike of being alone after dark had certainly diminished as the weeks went by , but she could not honestly say that she was completely carefree .
15 But I can not honestly say that I find such an analysis applicable to my attitude towards the school authorities .
16 Although we can not honestly say that those who unsuccessfully oppose a particular decision or policy consent to that decision or policy when it is carried out despite their opposition , we can say that they are nevertheless bound by that decision in so far as they accept both the principle of majority decisions and the fairness of the procedures through which the decision is reached or the policy made .
17 It was a finely worked piece of silver and obviously of great value ; but while she admired it and felt honoured to receive it , Sara could not honestly say that she enjoyed having its chain about her neck .
18 Before I ever had healing I was told that I might feel tingling or warmth , but alas , I can not truthfully say that I ever felt either , although of course , with hands laid on you , or just above you , there must be the sensation of touch .
19 I can not truthfully say that my work experience directly influenced my ambitions career wise but it did show me that the music business is not about ‘ Top of the Pops ’ but about a day 's work to be proud of .
20 It did not also say that Mr Major was yet much of a Prime Minister .
21 This is not simply to say that emotions are expressed , but that emotions are reformed , cleansed , redirected and redeemed .
22 He knows that Grampian regional council is bound by statute to say how much it got from the sale ; it can not simply say that it will not tell anyone .
23 He must not simply say that there will be professional advisers .
24 It makes it clear that a shopkeeper who sells cigarettes to young people can not simply say that he did not know that he was doing so .
25 What Aristotle says there is that the demos would like to be a monarchos , an autocrat , he does not quite say that it is .
26 But I can not then say that the real source of electricity is the socket upon the wall .
27 Hall appeared with a letter from the Duke , who perhaps not unexpectedly said that he had some ‘ pressing business in Scotland ’ and , therefore , regretfully had to resign his duties , 2 although Burn later said that this was due to the death of the Duke 's uncle .
28 Erm , one other thing that I want to make about erm , the victims , erm , I am very much er , involved with erm , victim support Wiltshire , and one of the problems with victim support Wiltshire is their work is increasing all the time because the crime rate goes up , and every time there is more crime there is more victims , but the , the Government has not yet said that they will put the money up that they erm , that they er , the grant up that they give to the victim support .
29 Which latter is not however to say that ‘ correct thinking ’ overturns society .
30 In [ 17 ] the author writes that he had been saying that Gardner looked very square : But of course Carver had not actually said that Gardner looked very square , at least not in the Gricean ( Grice 1981 ) sense of the word .
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