Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm not sorry to see him go — it 's like having death in the room . ’
2 But , like John Major , they 're not sorry to see him go Pictures : ROGER ALLEN
3 So I was not sorry to see them go .
4 To recognise where a reform is urgently required and must be effected at any cost , or where it may be postponed , or where it may be counted on to effect itself without outside influence , and , perhaps most important of all , to be able to recognise the fact that certain reforms would be beneficial could they be effected but that it is not possible to effect them at all ; to be able to arrive at a right decision on such points as these is what is chiefly required of a Resident .
5 The conclusion seems justified , but owing to the problems of transmission of these works of Scaevola , it is not possible to use it as a conclusion for classical law .
6 And the fact is that with the money available erm the Gardener Centre I should think it 's not possible to use it in the kind of flexible way in which it was planned in the first years .
7 Having made a credit agreement , it is usually not possible to cancel it .
8 However , it appears that most ventures are characterized by investments in a project where the uncertainty is so great that it is not possible to evaluate it by means of ordinary criteria for analysis of projects .
9 Although it is clearly not possible to restore it as a conduit care , the same external effect will be provided by the use of re-chargeable batteries with a replica truck and control gear .
10 If the house has a solid floor , that too must have a membrane which extends over the whole of it , and although it is not possible to see it , any defects will show in the form of damp patches under floor coverings , discoloration or loose vinyl tiles .
11 There were two easels , one with an unfinished picture of a town and the other holding a painting on a large canvas , but it was not possible to see it .
12 British Rail argued long and hard that it was not possible to open it .
13 The aims of the project , which are discussed in more detail in Chapter Two , were to provide flexible ‘ packages ’ of supplementary home support to dementia sufferers , in addition to the statutory health and social services and the non-statutory services normally available , and to test whether , given this service , it is possible cost-effectively to sustain such people at home for longer than is usually possible with support only from existing forms of health and social service ; to explore the circumstances in which the dementia sufferers could cost-effectively be sustained at home , and to examine the circumstances in which it was not possible to sustain them ; that is , to identify the limits to care .
14 She was such a heroine in her own way because it was not possible to give her the attention and comfort she deserved yet she never complained .
15 It 's not possible keep yours shut that 's for sure .
16 We have received so many messages and letters that it is just not possible to acknowledge them individually .
17 Please state which regional final you would be able to attend from the list below , and provide a second option in case it is not possible to accommodate you at your first choice of location .
18 Descent was traced in the female line because when pairing was temporary and informal , it was not possible to reckon it in any other way , as one could only be sure of the identity of the mother of the child , not that of the father .
19 Pesh Framjee would like to see ‘ incorporated charities taken out of the Companies Act and only reporting under the Charities Act , or if that is not possible have them report under both .
20 I mean perhaps it 's not something there used to doing too much , but is it not possible to get them to amuse themselves ?
21 If Peter is actually a ‘ tough ’ whose nickname means ‘ Rocky ’ , is it not possible to equate him with the fierce individual known as Simon Zelotes or Simon the Canaanite — to equate him , that is , with Simon the Zealot ?
22 Many of these objectives conflict and it is not possible to achieve them all .
23 Because the strong curvature isolates these regions from the rest of the Universe it is not possible to observe them directly .
24 It can be masked for a while and often goes quite unrecognized , but there comes a time when it is not possible to disguise it and the reaction becomes an overwhelming one .
25 Perhaps it is not possible to reduce it to a single definition , but for the purpose of this passage I will concentrate on the individual learner .
26 ‘ Jane , it is not polite to question me in that way .
27 It is difficult to analyse precisely the attractions , if it is not grotesque to call them such , of the Vietnam war .
28 Perhaps it 's not right to say it , but I loved my grandma much more than I loved my mother …
29 It 's not right to call it a boulder problem ; it has 16 moves and is 25 feet long .
30 It may be accepted that Althusser is describing science by its theoretical practice , its ‘ labour of theoretical transformation ’ , but this is not adequate to distinguish it from ideology as a practice .
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