Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [vb infin] any " in BNC.

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1 Then there are many economists who shun labels and who do not wholeheartedly embrace any one school .
2 Most significant , perhaps , was the absence of a strong British Labour presence : indeed , the party executive had frowned upon participation , dismissing the Congress as a body composed of ‘ unrepresentative interests ’ that could not effectively advance any successful and workable form of integration .
3 But , although these concepts ( standardness , eliteness , carefulness ) are of different orders ( and we shall return to these distinctions ) , Dobson does not apparently see any reason to keep them separate .
4 Louis IX did not apparently take any steps to prevent Henry from using an obsolete and illegal instrument .
5 This is designed for those applicants who may not necessarily possess any of the qualifications usually presented by mature students , but who show evidence of appropriate achievement either in a related professional field or through other types of intellectual endeavour .
6 That does not necessarily create any problem for doctors or hospitals .
7 A partner may be solicited to enable the enlister to achieve dominance in an altercation which does not necessarily involve any disputed object ; such partners were not involved in the incident until they were solicited and thus had a ‘ choice ’ as to whether to collaborate or not .
8 Such information may not necessarily carry any security classification within the Service , but may simply reveal dispositions , working arrangements etc .
9 Such pressure was important , since it was apparent that some of the officers within Area Working Party were satisfied with the production of ‘ sliced bread statements ’ : manifestos of intent which did not necessarily carry any promise of implementation .
10 He then admits that the result of any conflict , though it may be intelligible , may not necessarily imply any progress .
11 It does not necessarily describe any intrinsic quality of the market itself .
12 They did not necessarily have any particular treatment in mind , and certainly not forced feeding which is always a measure of last resort , designed to maintain life rather than to cure .
13 Both of these will obviously know their picas from their points but do not necessarily have any experience with the Macintosh ( or any other computer system , come to that ) .
14 However , we have two concerns : first , a number of respondents equated better files with better audits — this may satisfy the regulators , but does not necessarily indicate any improvement in the underlying quality of professional judgment ; second , audit regulation is a costly process for smaller audit firms and some costs are being passed on .
15 This definable zero-point must have some relevance to the archaeological site being dated : potassium-argon dating of a piece of volcanic rock will date the formation of the rock , but it does not necessarily provide any useful information for the archaeologist ; the rock may simply be part of the geological environment of the site .
16 Thus performance statistics alone are not very useful for comparing different systems , since they do not necessarily provide any indication of the superiority of one system over another , nor any insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the various components .
17 Sheffield referee John Key actually awarded the free kick in Saunders ' favour but Elliott has been told that the official 's decision would not necessarily prejudice any claim .
18 While the Bishop 's Castle earthquake does not exactly resemble any previously recorded earthquake , it is comparable with others in the general area of Herefordshire , notably in 1863 , 1896 and 1926 , all of which were around magnitude 5 on the Richter scale .
19 Whilst such an operation does not generally offer any price advantage over a retail business , it is a very convenient way of choosing goods and there is always extended credit available .
20 The nation will not easily forgive any group or party which deprives the rising generation of the brighter future promised by the measure outlined by Mr Butler .
21 They found that the two measures did not separately hold any predictive value , but in combination they discriminated well between families in which a child developed some schizophrenic symptoms and those whose child remained free of such symptoms .
22 Not all sentences are interesting , relevant , or suitable ; one can not just put any sentence after another and hope that it will mean something .
23 Thus , you can not just take any necessary action depending on the error and return to where you were because BBCBASIC(Z80) no longer knows where you were .
24 These are not a direct source of constitutional law in the sense that they do not normally involve any change in domestic law ( see , however The Parlement Belge ( H.C. , 1879 ) ) .
25 The ‘ High-Bay ’ warehouses be of at least Grade 2 construction and those described in chapter 2 of this document are so constructed and as such would not normally incur any additional premium rate for construction .
26 The speculum , which is warmed before use , is smaller than an erect penis and does not normally produce any pain or discomfort when used .
27 Those who place orders will not normally accept any great degree of risk that the supplier will go out of business before the order is delivered , nor will they place large orders with firms whose working capital and liquidity appears unsound or badly managed ; * the placing of Conditions on Potential orders such that suppliers : must conform to specified quality control Procedures such as those specified by the UK quality standard BS 5750 .
28 This is partly because of the need to make the publications truly publicly available — thus satisfying the legal requirement — and partly because their producers do not normally have any financial or other incentive to make them available online .
29 In the case of external benefits this does not normally raise any major problems because such cost is an isolated expenditure .
30 The Council will not normally consider any such application until five years have elapsed from the date of the expulsion and the Council will only consider any such application on its facts and merits .
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