Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [vb infin] with " in BNC.

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1 I can not altogether agree with Ruskin .
2 Some , as you will see , I do not altogether agree with .
3 I believe that the House should insist er that the not only should th should be a majority o of local of of of local authority members , but these so-called independent members are really quite superfluous to requirements they are p they are creating another kind of semi-quango , they are concentrating more power into the hands of the Home Secretary and for that reason , although I do not wholly agree with the amendments that have been put down , I shall certainly vote for them all .
4 Although I do not wholeheartedly agree with the view the author takes of the mechanical world of the train being somehow better than that of nature , I can still find it interesting and thought inducing from a philosophical angle .
5 With the two stories of Abraham in Genesis 22–23 we can not properly start with them , but must quickly trace ‘ the story so far ’ .
6 Insofar as English law requires the directors to take into account the interests of groups other than the shareholders it adopts the position that these interests do not fundamentally conflict with those of the shareholders and that it is therefore possible to arrive at a decision that balances all the relevant interests , subsuming them under or subordinating them to the vaguely defined collective goal of the organization .
7 Turning now to policy , it seems clear that a prohibitions-based or per se illegality form of legislation can not effectively deal with tacit collusion .
8 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
9 This does not entirely square with the view that politicians are potentially too ‘ knavish ’ to make decisions of any importance , but it was , I suspect , near the mark .
10 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
11 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
12 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
13 British vital interests might not necessarily coincide with those of the Americans as Suez had shown all too clearly .
14 What the employee wants to know and understand does not necessarily coincide with what the organization needs him to know and understand .
15 Though a number of economists have made further assumptions about the behaviour of the economy — principally , that firms will substitute labour for capital if there is unemployment ( because in those circumstances real wages will fall ) — which remove some of the apparent instabilities , others have concluded that the instability still occurs because the actual rate of investment may still not necessarily coincide with the warranted rate of growth for full employment .
16 On several occasions when their views have been canvassed , the judges of the High Court and the Court of Appeal have shown themselves capable of contemplating changes that do not necessarily coincide with popular or professional opinion .
17 This immediately creates some problems , since " codes " for this purpose are social constructs , and do not necessarily coincide with what linguists would recognise as discrete languages .
18 It is often the case that the definition of administrative regions within countries tends to reflect certain historical and institutional processes which , although they might have produced some degree of spatial cohesion , do not necessarily accord with what one might view as appropriate for economic scrutiny .
19 Planning need not necessarily start with detailed consideration of the content of a history study unit .
20 Evans-Pritchard and others have also pointed out that the divisions between scientific and non-scientific thinking as such , if they can indeed be reliably established , do not necessarily correlate with different social groups .
21 ‘ . These figures do not necessarily correlate with increased market power , however , there being evidence to indicate that aggregate concentration and concentration in individual industries have not increased since the mid-1970's .
22 A final point to bear in mind is that givenness is assigned by the speaker and , as such , does not necessarily correlate with the reality of the linguistic or extra-linguistic situation .
23 It is also the case , of course , that stated aims do not necessarily match with practice .
24 One of the difficulties in making the diagnosis of ME — which is a post viral syndrome with a multiplicity of symptoms — is that sufferers do not necessarily present with the same symptoms ; however the film showed most graphically how the entire family is affected by such a misunderstood illness .
25 Important as rules are , they do not necessarily bite with the same degree of force in every case .
26 And I think that whereas erm we would not necessarily argue with a case for providing criteria at a strategic plan at a structure plan level erm to put some flesh on what is meant and maybe clarify some of the explanatory memorandum in a more positive way , simply should ensure that the policy does not dilute , sorry that whatever changes emerge , does not dilute the mode intention of the policy .
27 However , the degree of difficulty in agreeing upon headings does not necessarily increase with greater detail .
28 Transfer of training from a simulator to a real situation is never complete and does not necessarily increase with degree of fidelity .
29 This would not necessarily conflict with the picture of word-meaning developed so far if a single superordinate sense could be found which covered all the variants .
30 Since bilateral speech need not imply that speech functions are distributed equally between the hemispheres this does not necessarily conflict with the finding that the proportion of subjects showing a left ear advantage was highest among the strongly left handed .
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