Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 His tongue had not been cut out — it loomed thick and purple behind those savage teeth and the thick whiskers of severed whip — however his throat was dry as dust .
2 There is part of that grass cutting probably due to the fact that our pavements are also covered in grass , some of them as much as two foot on either side , and you 've got two foot down the middle , going like that , where the grass is growing and has not been cut back since nineteen seventy four .
3 Unfortunately their ideas have not been tested out a great deal in other areas of London or the rest of the country , so we can not be at all sure whether the findings they claim are appropriate for application to the whole of our society are in fact so .
4 Then I shall examine some criticisms of the monist position from a pluralist point of view , trying at the same time to bring out the presuppositions that underly such criticisms and showing that a clarification of these presuppositions demands a critical exploration of certain new philosophical topics that have not been touched on hitherto .
5 All of us , during the time that we have been directly engaged in these matters , have found it easier to make progress when the media have not been looking over our shoulders and breathing on the backs of our necks .
6 The Speaker judged it a success , and said that the worst fears voiced before the experiment about the impact of televising on the House had not been borne out .
7 The possibility that the generalist advice worker would become less valued through an increase in specialists has not been borne out in practice .
8 There may also be losses in terms of the hopes , expectations and images of parenthood which have not been borne out by experience .
9 That claim has not been borne out for today 's designs , but such contracts can not easily be broken .
10 Is it because we have not been speaking out when we should have at injustice , not proclaiming the truth , not listening to our watchmen , not praying , not doing , not sending and not CARING ?
11 Her dark , waving hair had not been tied back ; instead it stood out from her face , wildly .
12 The numbers 1,2,3,5 , and 7 have not been made up by multiplying other numbers together .
13 The assistant recorder was right to find , as he did , that the allegations of agency set out in the defence had not been made out .
14 On appeal by the boy 's father against the care order in respect of the boy on the grounds that the threshold conditions of section 31(2) had not been made out : —
15 The majority took the view that the case for banning non-voting ordinary shares had not been made out but that such shares should be clearly labelled and that their holders should be entitled to receive notices of all meetings so as to be kept informed .
16 Despite all this , however , both committees took the view that incest should be confined to sexual intercourse on the ground that the case for extending the offence had not been made out .
17 As he said , it makes some criticism of the European dimension , but in paragraph 8 headed ’ Europe ’ it also says : ’ While local government structure in the UK can not be determined by the nature of European structural funds and the case for regional authorities with power over service delivery has not been made out , the European dimension must nonetheless be considered in the longer term . ’
18 To my mind , the case has not been made out or anything like it er for so fundamental a change .
19 However , bigger special access funds to encourage poorer students , and a scholarship scheme for bright youngsters have not been ruled out .
20 Although the Palace refused to be drawn on what further action it might take , it is clear legal moves have not been ruled out .
21 A standard on asset valuation has not been ruled out .
22 Champion Kasparov said the match would definitely take place in Britain and Manchester had not been ruled out .
23 The products will initially be manufactured in the US , though the possibility that Olivetti could one day manufacture them in Europe , for Europe , has not been ruled out in the longer term .
24 Leaflet drops and added value promotions have not been ruled out .
25 However , MMD officials said that the possibility of UNIP rigging of the polls had not been ruled out .
26 A total ban has not been ruled out in the event that scientists discover minerals which could be extracted without damaging the environment .
27 In July , Environment Minister Tim Yeo said a public inquiry had not been ruled out , but would have to await the results of the latest round of consultations .
28 Sharon 's parents were to upset to talk after the hearing , but their solicitor said legal action in relation to Sharon 's death had not been ruled out .
29 But it warned its priority was the long-term future of the business and compulsory redundancies had not been ruled out .
30 A Manchester Olympic bid spokesman said last night prospective venues had not been finalised and the Edge Lane site had not been ruled out .
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