Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Do you consider any of these to be culture specific : either because the genre does not exist in some cultures , or because it is substantially different ?
2 It is a fact that very few draft reports are not amended in some respect as a result of this procedure .
3 If this mental scarring is not treated in some way , whether by hypnosis or some other means , then the effects will last literally for the whole of his life .
4 They should only be used on paths , etc , or to clear a derelict patch of ground that you want to clear a derelict patch of ground that you want to clear but not replant for some time .
5 Analysing one 's bargaining power may not appeal to some managers .
6 He admits that he can not appeal to some absolute conception of ‘ objectivity ’ in claiming that some languages ‘ allow their users to approximate to neutral , objective description ’ .
7 It always says , or equivalent , that 's just in order to open up the possibilities like this , so that we 're not caught by some legalistic oath .
8 It may be surprising , but when a cat brings a live mouse to her kittens — perhaps for them to first play with and then kill , or perhaps so that she can kill it while they watch — this is not considered by some experts to be a form of teaching .
9 But we shall not know for some time yet .
10 I 'm not looking for some sinecure of a job with the cosy family firm , Lucy !
11 They are not looking for some chopped-down Open University course . ’
12 The last three statements are assertions of contentment , but only three statements — numbers six , seven and ten — do not refer in some way to domestic work or the work environment .
13 Is he aware that that drug is not grown on some poppy field in South America but that 98 per cent .
14 Biddy did not speak for some time , and stood considering them in a way that made them all feel about half their usual size .
15 Sesostris did not speak for some time .
16 Since Picasso and Braque had not exhibited for some time , and since they had not taken part in the manifestations at the Salon des Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne , the public were not in a position to realize that their abstention deprived the Section d'Or of much of its meaning .
17 For him , the facts based on them were treated as facts , and not related to some preconceived idea … .
18 HRT is also of benefit for the intermediate symptoms of the menopause , those that do not appear until some time after periods have stopped but which tend to get more noticeable and troublesome as the years go by .
19 Full use of the books was not made in some of the stricter districts of the Highlands where , it is recorded , some teachers refused to read fiction to their pupils because it was " untrue . "
20 It would not do for some occupant of the house to look out of the window and actually see one walking across the lawn .
21 Naked , she walked into the bathroom and there surveyed herself in a way she had not done for some years .
22 At Warrington , a deaf man decided to pay a visit to a relative he had not seen for some time , and set off to cycle there .
23 D'Arcy recognised the faces of several ex-special forces personnel whom he had not seen for some time .
24 In this new atmosphere the legislature displayed a determination to defend itself against executive encroachment , not seen for some years .
25 When the Secretary of State was enjoying himself for about 10 minutes claiming that a large number of us supported CND , he offered some rays of hope and sunshine that I had not seen for some months .
26 Firstly , the distinction between manual and non-manual work is not seen by some as an adequate way of distinguishing between classes .
27 The great majority of French fabliaux too are to be found in manuscripts that contain extensive collections of fabliaux , and other genres , reflecting a development in manuscript production of the thirteenth century that it is difficult to believe is not connected in some general way to the growth of scholarly " compilations " ( compilationes ) at the same time .
28 Quite often leases are not granted until some years after the agreement for lease with the result that the fair copy has to be typed on to the landlord 's solicitor 's updated wordprocessing system .
29 As we have noted earlier , the lack of any data on transfers within the family means that we can not look at some of the interesting questions concerning the distribution between individuals ( e.g. , between men and women ) .
30 Great care must be taken to ensure that the line of palms do not look like some modern Forestry Commission plantation .
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