Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In curing a Gentile , Mark is stressing the fact that Jesus ' power over evil is not witnessed by Jews alone , but extends to all people .
2 This is because most male clerks do not stay as clerks for all their working lives .
3 Three-quarters of Scotland 's top companies believe the Government has no effective economic policy and the same proportion believe Mr Lamont should not stay as Chancellor , according to a poll by the accountancy firm Pannell Kerr Forster and BBC TV in Scotland .
4 By the Tuesday of the first week , Cassie knew that she could not stay at Rose Cottage any longer .
5 I could not stay at home and write a novel because I feel too tired and run down , and need a break from mental activity .
6 ‘ Why not stay to lunch ?
7 You must forgive me , Mrs O'Dell , I fear I can not stay for coffee — I have many other calls upon my time .
8 She did not stay for coffee .
9 He did not stay for coffee but left the hotel and walked down the almost deserted main street .
10 I shall not stay for coffee .
11 There were seventy- five paintings in the exhibition and by the time I left , which was quite early as I did not stay for dinner , most of the pictures had a little red sold label .
12 ‘ One thing is certain — we can not stay with Queen Margaret 's party .
13 He could not stay in London until the end of the session as he had intended to do .
14 • If you feel tired when it is time to get up — indeed , you might just be getting off to sleep ! — do not stay in bed , but get up .
15 The patient should not stay in bed without a special reason , such as feeling ill or exceptionally fatigued , or having a headache .
16 The tour is based in Kaprun , and you can choose from any of the hotels in the village in the normal way , where you can leave your heavy luggage on the nights that you will not stay in Kaprun .
17 Because Miyagi did not stay in Japan for long periods , it was Yamaguchi who made a great headway with his own system of goju-kai .
18 Many of the animals swim so quickly that they do not stay in sight for long .
19 Needless to say we did not stay in Aberdeen longer than necessary .
20 Old-fashioned or external sanitary towels , as anyone who has had the misfortune to make use of them will know , are dreadfully uncomfortable : they will not stay in place , they leak , and they chafe .
21 So the question of the soundness of Atkins L.J . 's dictum did not arise for decision in that case .
22 What the position would have been if , say , half of the contents including the signature had been written on one occasion and the rest of the contents on another , later , occasion , with the deceased indicating on the later occasion to the two witnesses that he regarded his signature as authenticating the whole of the contents , does not arise for decision and need not be decided now .
23 One reason for the apparent failure of whooping cough immunization may lie in the ability of the virus to mutate to new forms which evade destruction until a new vaccine can be devised and introduced ; this problem does not arise with diphtheria and measles .
24 ( This problem does not arise with input channels because these are all , by assumption , distinct in ALT patterns . )
25 Ceauşescu knew that revolutions do not arise from despair but hope .
26 Similar trends are apparent in the series for cumulated inflows , suggesting that the observed changes in the stock do not arise from revaluation effects alone .
27 This has two purposes , firstly to illustrate the above assertion about the pervasiveness of layering and secondly to act as a reminder that there are important double diffusive flows that do not arise from instability of vertical gradients .
28 When any major change occurs , provided it does not arise from events beyond our control , you will have the choice of ( a ) accepting the changed arrangements , ( b ) purchasing another available holiday from us at is advertised price , or ( c ) cancelling your holiday .
29 It was held in Chamberlain v IRC 25 TC 317 that where assets settled by X were invested in shares in a company controlled by the settlor , the whole of the capital of which was held by the trustees themselves , the income arising in the company did not arise from property comprised in the settlement within the meaning of TA 1988 , s672(1) .
30 The same problem could not arise in Germany , according to Vogts , because of the ‘ wonderful relationship ’ which exists between the Football Federation and those who look after the national team .
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