Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 The first two of those were also included were made public , they are in the issue 's papers it did not make public the county council 's proposal as to who should be participants for each topic since those were matters for the the panel er to ma take a view of and I understood er from er the question er the answer to the question that it had been made clear that er the information had been made public except as always Chairman , er our legal office 's of the council always like that caveat that in case anything had been missed out I had just in fact suggested that perhaps not everything had been made public so I anticipated a possible supplementary question from Mr .
2 Contrary to tradition , Constantine did not make Christianity the official state religion of Rome .
3 I would hate to have to tell him that a new type of gentleman has taken over the clubs and boardrooms , a man who does not consider dishonesty the property of the criminal classes and who , moreover , believes that the notion of the gentleman is negotiable .
4 If she had not lent Mum the money none of this would have happened .
5 He spoke not because he felt that the denomination was threatened or was losing ground but because the status quo did not give Congregationalism the dignity its growing wealth and membership had earned for it .
6 When in 1665 Charles II complained that his ministers did not understand French the ambassadors sent to London by Louis XIV at once offered to negotiate in Latin .
7 However , if excavations do not take place the cemetery and its treasures are likely to be destroyed by ploughing within a few years .
8 Immediate bombing attacks were expected , and when these did not take place the evacuees began to trickle back .
9 If the LBA does not produce payment the haulier should send the papers to the company 's solicitor .
10 They might or might not ask spot the point , they may or may not answer the right questions , but you 're in a marvellous point of view , position , to actually be able to spot angles .
11 So if you have a special occasion for which you want to feel particularly slim , do n't eat rice the day before !
12 We will have a new procedure called Continuous and Non-Standard Surveys which says that they will follow the basic procedures , except where this does n't make sense , and if it does n't make sense the job will have in it 's Master Job File a statement of how , it does comply with whatever it has to deal with .
13 Since I was n't using mine the mechanic sold it to him .
14 More work was required on the Tri-Pacer in Singapore because it was n't producing power the way it should .
15 These include Basic Instinct , Joe Pesci in The Super and Robert De Niro 's chilling Cape Fear , the excellent Wayne 's World , the dazzling The Lawnmower Man , the hilarious Do n't Tell Mom The Babysitter 's Dead , Chevy Chase 's Memoirs Of An Invisible Man and the menacing The Hand That Rocked The Cradle .
16 November winners will get Wayne 's World , The Lawnmower Man , Do n't Tell Mom The Babysitter 's Dead , Memoirs Of An Invisible Man and The Hand That Rocked The Cradle .
17 There are 50 sets of tapes up for grabs — Basic Instinct , The Super , Cape Fear , Wayne 's World , The Lawnmower Man , Do n't Tell Mom The Babysitter 's Dead , Memoirs Of An Invisible Man and The Hand That Rocked The Cradle .
18 Sean , you could n't have been that shit-faced that you could n't go upto the Roger and ask him whether he was Roger or not ?
19 ‘ We wo n't save money the way you do things , ’ she said softly , ‘ thin bread takes extra butter , thick slices are more suitable . ’
20 I could n't help contrast the boredom with United 's exhilarating 4–3 encounter with Liverpool some years back , also in Belfast .
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