Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 I shall merely be requesting information about a taste which puzzles me , not demanding a further reason without which the whole string of answers will prove to be baseless .
2 They are nevertheless pleased not to see a greater erosion of their support after the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the virtual disappearance of Communist parties in the West .
3 The sample was picked from telephone directories which did not cover the poorer segments of the electorate .
4 Moreover , there is no reason to believe that , with improvements , particularly in relation to housing , labour mobility programmes could not affect a larger number of workers .
5 Both Judge Holland and Charles Cole , Alaska 's attorney-general , insist that rejection of the criminal fine need not affect the larger civil settlement .
6 In the meantime it is essential not to risk a further pregnancy and other contraceptive measures must be taken see above .
7 If an order under this subsection is complied with , the licensing board shall not make a further order within the six years following the first-mentioned order .
8 An unsuccessful applicant for an order under s34 can not make a further application within six months unless the court grants leave ( s91(17) ) .
9 I must emphasize that I will not make a further reduction in interest rates until I 'm sure that it is safe and prudent to do so .
10 Monetary policy will remain tight ; I must emphasize that I will not make a further reduction in interest rates until I am sure that it is safe and prudent to do so .
11 Though this neatly solves the problem of how man can make history while at the same time history makes him , it does not answer the larger question of how a multiplicity of the products of individual acts , ‘ totalizations ’ , can themselves be totalized into the overall totalization required by the logic of dialectical rationality — rather than being the arbitrary , blind and self-cancelling movements of , say , Hardy 's immanent will .
12 In general , passion should be treated in such manner as not to stimulate the lower and baser emotions .
13 A writer can choose any time and place to operate in , but The Innocent does not broadcast the colder , universal truths of the abstract .
14 Patients with little or no residual intraluminal tumour and a good lumen ( implying minimal risk of obstruction ) were not given a further follow up appointment .
15 Our findings can not explain the higher overall prevalence of simple renal cysts in men .
16 Therefore it seems that the EGF concentration in the cells does not explain the greater carcinogenic potential of mucosa with high grade dysplasia .
17 Many spinners can not deliver a slower ball without it being obvious , yet he can get quality batsmen charging up and down the pitch trying to pick the pace and flight .
18 The only patient who had previously had gall stone recurrence , but who did not experience a further recurrence , had taken NSAIDs regularly .
19 However , Hirschi does not consider the wider social context in which these relationships operate , in the way that earlier sociological theories did .
20 The better view is that this does not allow the court to rewrite a clause : for instance , if the court decides that a clause limiting liability to £100 is unreasonable but that a £200 limit would be reasonable , it can not substitute the higher figure ( see Geo Mitchell ( Chesterhall ) Ltd v Finney Lock Seeds Ltd [ 1983 ] 2 AC 803 , especially per Lord Bridge ) .
21 A rehabilitated person is one who has been convicted of and sentenced for an offence or offences and who has not committed a further offence or offences during the appropriate rehabilitation period and that period has expired .
22 As intelligence tests had not superseded the older attainments tests , so school records did not supersede the test battery .
23 They are not adopting the broader role that we envisaged .
24 The Danish prime minister , Mr Poul Schlüter , has made it clear that he will not initiate a further referendum on the basis of the existing text .
25 Having said that , we 're not seeking an higher allocation under I five either er because in general terms , we we do n't feel it 's necessary to make further provision in and around main settlements .
26 When I am not convinced that those er the areas outside those boundaries which are in dire need of urban regeneration , could not accommodate a greater proportion over over the planned period .
27 The question is how this expansion can be paid for , given that the new Secretary of State has said quite candidly that his present view is that higher education can not expect a higher share of public spending than it currently receives .
28 Thus there is evidence that the better educated do not show a greater consonance between general principles of fairness and particular stances on racial issues , but may show greater flexibility in justifying the laying aside of abstract principles ( Sniderman et al . ,
29 So at this point expectations of inflation are correct , and given those expectations the government can not achieve a higher iso-vote line .
30 In all cases the necessity of balancing professional and academic requirements has been recognised , with the inexorable move toward a ‘ graduate ’ profession being accepted responsibly , though more slowly than for similar professions : ‘ It is a matter for concern that , compared with other professions surveying has not made a greater impact upon university life and thought in general ’ ( Wells Report , 1960 ) .
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