Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Will you not stay a little while , Miss Abbott ?
2 Certainly he did not stay the full course which was seven years for the qualification of a Master 's degree , the necessary precondition for further study of law , theology and medicine .
3 While chairman and chief executive , Peter Bonfield , said he is still ‘ not seeing the wide green shoots ’ of recovery , he does expect ICL to stay in the black during the coming year .
4 The reliance of elderly people on walking as a mode of transport increases their exposure to risk whilst their failing faculties raise the likelihood of them not seeing the striking vehicle .
5 You 're not seeing the real me !
6 not seeing the only point of being there
7 She had n't been reading at all but had been glancing out of the window not seeing the gracious gardens that surrounded Summer Lodge , but planning ways to help Craig when he came to her .
8 In the economically more advanced countries , however , there does not exist a close relationship between age at first marriage and birth of first child , owing mainly to postponement of first birth through contraceptive use .
9 Gramsci 's reading of Marx according to which " there does not exist an abstract fixed immutable human nature ; … human nature is the totality of historically determined social relations " is in line with this style of thinking ; so also is Rousseau 's earlier , portentous but shocking prediction that , because of human avarice , men would have to be " forced to be free " .
10 Caspar managed not to breathe a huge sigh of relief , because this sounding very promising indeed .
11 ‘ Yes , ’ said Tessa , trying not to breathe the sweet-sour air into her lungs .
12 Just because some of them do n't know their arse from their elbow does n't mean that we 're not bringing the whole thing under control . ’
13 I can hear them telling the architect not to spare a single sou .
14 Therefore , if we can not detect a particular coded message in an animal , there is no reason to say that they are not transmitting the particular message by some other means .
15 Its concern with adolescent love , and the way in which its idealism and purity can not evade the sullying effects of adult realities , paralleled Minton 's own fear of lost youth , his obsession with adolescence and desire for a love that could only exist in a state untrammelled by adult responsibilities .
16 Although these drugs are effective , they do not reduce the reflux of other gastric contents ( pepsin , bile ) and they do not modify the underlying causes of the disease by restoring lower oesophageal sphincter pressure or improving oesophageal clearance and gastric emptying .
17 In a comparison of the administration of AZT to infected people before and after the appearance of AIDS , early treatment was found not to affect the eventual outcome , but merely to postpone the rapid decline of CD4 cells in the blood .
18 There may have been little or no discussion of these issues , even among the higher clerics and ecclesiastical advisers , but Innocent was too polished a performer not to realize the public relations advantages of pronouncement in a general council .
19 This is an altogether more simple reading of the section , and would apply where the policeman comes across a person who is using abusive language , and comes to the conclusion that it is likely that somebody in the audience will intervene to put a stop to it , using unlawful violence ( citizens may have the power to prevent a breach of the peace , but not to preserve the public quiet ) .
20 However , CITES ' attempts to regulate the trade have not stopped the illegal trade .
21 ‘ I want directors to use black actors and just portray them as ordinary people , not make a big deal about it .
22 He took it up in a Pauline spirit , as a reparation ; now the least of Christians ( by special grace ) but once an infidel , and even if he had not persecuted the faithful , one who scorned the Faith , he would do what he could to convert men or stop them from straying away .
23 Section C is taking the basic feel from A and making it a little busier ( this is a good technique to use over a middle 8 section in order to build it dynamically , but not lose the original direction for the song ) ; it then repeats to A and goes to the coda .
24 Although it was initially believed that lowering mucosal prostaglandin values in ulcerative colitis would be therapeutic , and that the beneficial effect of therapeutic agents sulfasalazine and 5-ASA analogues is through their ability to inhibit cyclo-oxygenase , it isnow believed that a simple decrease in prostaglandins does not elicit a beneficial effect in ulcerative colitis and may even be harmful .
25 You would not think a broken shoe .
26 I do not think the Prime Minister imagines that this country 's future would be secure if we remained outside .
27 Nor did it impress the Arab states , which pointed out that if Israel was able to absorb hundreds of thousands of Jews it could certainly absorb more than 100,000 Palestinian returnees ; or the United States , which did not think the Israeli offer ‘ provide[d] a suitable basis for contributing to solution of Arab refugee question . ’
28 If he were to reflect on that , I do not think the hon. Gentleman would want it to happen .
29 With this lot , we 've got A add B , that 's one number , take away A minus B. That 's going to come to A add B , A take away A or A minus A and then take away A minus B , taking away A minus B is the same as adding a B. So the A take away A go out and this comes to two B. Now this is not using a long way , a long way round to do it .
30 Patients with severe cardiorespiratory , renal , hepatic , neurological , or malignant disease were also excluded , together with women of childbearing age not using a reliable means of contraception .
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