Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but you see you , you , you really do not think that somebody is going to do that .
2 ‘ All those cosy pictures of the family around the fire , all that stiff upper lip during the war — and now she is determined not to see all her work go down the drain . ’
3 Changing fashions in popular natural history did not affect those who were doing research in botany and zoology directly , except through the demand for books .
4 ‘ I 'd better break the engagement now , ’ I said , thinking my mother very foolish for not realising that what appealed to Syl was my very paleness , my silence , my hostility , which he mostly construed as shyness , until I was unpleasant , and when I was unpleasant he took it as evidence of some depth in my feeling for him and found it sexually alluring .
5 The surviving correspondence does not make clear what happened to Mr. Carrick , but as Glassford had by the time of election three votes prepared and George Abercromby defeated Major Dundas , it may be surmised that Lord Dundas 's failure to secure the reinstatement of the collector of Inverness was seen by Glassford as a neglect which justified his remaining friendly with Abercromby .
6 This section briefly reviews the essential features of Williamson 's theory , then presents two types of criticism : firstly , that the theory is a confusing mixture of static and dynamic elements , analysed in a loose way that does not make clear which things are endogenous and which are exogenous ; secondly , that the approach is too sanguine about the desirability of the organizational forms that are explained .
7 Come on ! do not want that I tell you !
8 We do not want this My Lords , th the th the appointed members system will be wrong , it will be against the whole trend of policing as the Noble Lord Harris spelt out from eighteen thirty-five .
9 His term ends on December 31st and he does not want another one .
10 Hon. Members may say that petrol stations are to be found in residential areas everywhere in the country and I do not dispute that , but in the area in question there is no shortage of petrol stations and the local people say that they do not want another one damaging their environment and that there is no need for it .
11 Adoption was intended to create new family relationships not change those which already existed and joint custody was introduced as an alternative and to give some legal recognition to step-parents .
12 We realise that this prospectus may not answer all your questions , or even that it contains so much information that it leaves you confused .
13 You could be right Fred I do n't , I 've not heard that one .
14 How extraordinary , I 've not heard that one .
15 I want to ensure that the system works properly and effectively , but I assure Opposition Members that , if they persuade and encourage welfare rights organisations to make speculative claims , they are not helping those who are in real need .
16 ‘ Surely you are not suggesting that my daughter — ?
17 She had consulted an astrologer once before , even if it had only been for a lark , so why not consult another one now ?
18 Even if we were to obtain substantial concessions and eliminate all our strategic nuclear weapons , we could not eliminate all theirs , so we would merely leave them with a residual capability which would be overwhelming and a continual menace to ourselves .
19 But Floy said , in an expressionless tone , ‘ Do go on , ’ and Caspar looked at Floy doubtfully , because he was not altogether sure of Floy yet and he had the feeling that Floy might very well be thinking and assessing and generally not revealing all his feelings .
20 In the past many health authorities discriminated unfairly by not employing those who may have had domestic responsibilities .
21 Having indicated such links , I shall not discuss each one , but concentrate on particular instances when the themes of savage and city come together .
22 The anthropologists have not solved all their problems in this area but they feel , with some justification , that where human behaviour is concerned , most of the arguments now being put forward by the sociobiologists as if they were major scientific discoveries were effectively disposed of sometime around 1865 .
23 On the other hand , his ‘ property ’ clearly does not include all his rights .
24 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
25 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
26 The fact that they are helpful , however , is no excuse for your not becoming proficient yourself in carrying out library searches .
27 If not has any one booked the for next Wednesday night ?
28 Unfortunately if you do not know this there is not much else that you can know either , it seems .
29 So as not to appear over-conspicuous they must unclip their bulky shoulder pauldrons , unstrap their greaves , and discard their eagle-plastrons .
30 Its senior partner , the Communist Party , has not carried all its followers with it this summer , and last month had to purge the entire leadership of its youth movement ( KNE ) .
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