Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hess did not have a normal christening for Wolf Rudiger , the Fuhrer does not think them good enough for Nazis .
2 ‘ It does not make them nervous , ’ Bloch says .
3 America 's first hostile bids did not go over the heads of the managers , but that did not make them friendly .
4 You can keep a people ignorant but you can not make them ignorant — ‘ Tom Paine ? ’
5 That does not make them quiescent but it does diffuse their conflicts .
6 If you are going to use them , light weights are good enough for our purpose ; they tone up the muscles but do not make them bulky .
7 This does not make them invalid : one should merely put them in their appropriate context .
8 We should rather refer to economic processes which are constituted in a particular place , which of course does not make them local .
9 He does not , however , make the powerful point which had some currency at the time , that even were there universally accepted beliefs which were innate , this would not make them true , and so something we knew .
10 Only Robert McNamara of the top team had real doubts , but he did not make them public .
11 It may not make them popular , but it will usually make them right .
12 There is , after all , a long history of wife-beating and of genocide , but that does not make them excusable .
13 ‘ The Army and the Marines will be pleased to learn — when they do learn of it — that Admiral Hawkins does not consider them worthy of his regard , ’ the President went on .
14 we 've actually had trout in the freezer for ages , and not used them fresh the day I got them I 'll use it and
15 Their resilience and in part fortuitous revival may have been due to the slightly more permissive policies of the Popular Front government in Paris — thousands of political prisoners were released although thousands more remained in gaol — but much more seems to have been the result of the ability to rebuild an organization from the bottom up even though the advice and instructions they received from international communism meant acquiescence in policies which did not give them pre-eminent appeal as a revolutionary party .
16 The saga , which was illustrated with his own naïve pen-and-ink drawings , had its origins in the compassion he had felt for the sufferings of the animals in the past war ( ‘ If we made [ them ] take the same chances as we did ourselves , why did we not give them similar attention when wounded ? ’ ) and in the letters about an imaginary horse surgery that he had written home from the front to his two children , Elizabeth and Colin ( the latter of whom habitually called himself Dr Dolittle ) .
17 We have had more debates on these issues , but it is insulting to suggest that our partners do not give them sufficient attention .
18 Leaders and officials of parties other than the NPN nevertheless complain that it does not give them fair treatment .
19 Mr Menem 's show of leniency towards a few elderly officers may not keep them quiet for long .
20 And those if you would , for those who have not got them available , erm , we can have them copied and obtain them for you , but I suspect all of all of you sitting round the table will have P P G with you .
21 Observers did not deem them serious enough to put the election results into question , and the UDF , which had described the elections as dishonest and unfair on June 14 , issued a statement on June 22 supporting the Central Electoral Commission .
22 If the law were changed in the way we suggest it is at least possible that such men would prefer to seek relations with older persons which would not render them liable to prosecution .
23 Turn them on their side and try not to leave them unattended in case they inhale vomit
24 I am not wearing them tight trousers again !
25 One would have thought that the principle of people living in glass houses not throwing stones would have warned Ivan off a career as a journalist , gossip , and so-called satirist , but it did not seem to occur to him that he was asking for trouble of a kind that she knew would cause him the most intimate anguish : but in fact , so appalling were Ivan 's features and physique that comment on them was rare , even his worst enemies ( and he had hundreds ) not considering them fair game .
26 As Locke says , ‘ in some of our ideas there are certain relations , habitudes and connections , so visibly included in the nature of the ideas themselves , that we can not conceive them separable from them , by any power whatsoever ’ .
27 We are not giving them special instructions to sell into schools , and in the main it is run on a party plan approach . ’
28 Of course , the participation of teams like Rangers and Manchester United have made the Milk Cup the most prestigious youth football competition in Europe and with the huge support they enjoy it would be naive not to accord them good coverage but let's also recognise fine results by local teams when they occur .
29 They were disadvantaged by colonial status , which did not permit them full citizenship or equal rights with ethnic Japanese , who looked down on them .
30 I will not suppose them guilty of a direct intention of striking us , particularly if they had any idea of the danger of such a proceeding , for the cliff rose much more than a hundred feet above us , and even a very small stone would have fatal effect by striking the head .
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