Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 Mark sheets not received by these dates may mean that issue of certificates , diplomas and records of achievement to students is delayed .
2 Although there was a Jacobite rebellion in the summer of 1689 , led by John Graham of Claverhouse , Viscount Dundee , and supported by some of the Highland clans , it was not joined by any of the major regional magnates .
3 Efforts continued to establish a harmonization of European accounting practices , in accordance with the Fourth and Seventh Company Law Directives ( 1978 and 1983 respectively ) , the first of which had created the Contact Committee of officials , the standards body which had originated most of the current proposals ( but which was still not recognized by many EC members ) , while the second had included measures to standardize the presentation of consolidated accounts within the EC ( see p. 36154 for earlier developments ) .
4 It is not biased by any particular physical storage structure that may be used .
5 If we tried to describe a theory of legislation sufficiently uncontroversial to command close to universal assent among our lawyers and judges , we would be limited to something like this : if the words of a statute admit of only one meaning , no matter in what context they are uttered , and if we have no reason to doubt that this is the meaning understood by all the legislators who voted for or against the statute or abstained , and the statute so understood achieves no results not intended by all those who voted for it and would be so understood by all the members of the public to whom it is addressed , and could not be thought by any sensible person To violate any of the substantive or procedural constraints of the Constitution , or otherwise offend any widely held view about fairness or efficiency in legislation , then the propositions contained in that statute , understood in that way , are part of the community 's law .
6 I wish that the church in general was not regarded by many young as ‘ boring ’ or ‘ a waste of time ’ and that some people , like myself at times do n't wish to be associated with church for fear of social credibility .
7 An obvious objection is that the attitude of respect is not regarded by those who display it as the source of their obligation .
8 ‘ I 'm not consumed by any free-floating desire for anything — certainly not an object to serve and adore . ’
9 My understanding is that there there there is n't any difference that is not explained by those .
10 Bear in mind that a fish 's immune system ceases to function below about 50°F … any wounds or bacterial lesions that have not healed by that time will worsen during winter , for unfortunately the bacteria have a lower temperature tolerance than the fish .
11 The use of a choke chain for training purposes is not favoured by all trainers , but provided that it is fitted correctly then it should not injure the puppy , and can prove useful in ensuring that it learns to walk properly on the leash .
13 The second was sadness at the wasted years of cricket greatness for the likes of Mike Procter , Barry Richards , Graeme Pollock and others , although the sadness was not tinged by any regret at having jointed the campaign to exclude South African sport form international participation .
14 Morgan , who alleged that her ex-husband Eric Foretich had sexually abused the child — an allegation not sustained by any court — had been imprisoned in 1987 for contempt of court after refusing to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter [ see also p. 37407 ] .
15 Perhaps they have had an experience of déjà vu which they can not explain by any other means .
16 The picture of an old man in the sky is not taught by any of the great religions — yet this may come as a surprise to many people today .
17 Nevertheless , there must be a filter , as there is in the criminal courts , to ensure that the appellate system is not overloaded by those who enter Britain from a third safe country to which they can return if they manifestly have no claim to asylum here .
18 Nicholas Atkinson QC , for Gallagher said the cases of the two men had to be considered quite separately , not contaminated by each other .
19 ‘ If we are going to get reliable evidence from children and make our own evaluation of what they are saying then it is absolutely essential the stories are not contaminated by those who are being accused with the responsibility for harm or neglect . ’
20 Finally , Memphis is not frequented by most members of the American museum community .
21 Attainment of the competence award is not limited by any specific time period or course length , so candidates will be able to come forward for assessment whenever they have accumulated the required evidence of competence against national standards .
22 On the other hand in the fact that they were not limited by any central representative institutions , and that they based their power largely on their armies and bureaucracies , they were in the main stream of continental absolutism .
23 This change , which was not provoked by any external force , was inspired by Muhammad ibn Ali , great-grandson of Abbas , an uncle of the Prophet , whence the name of the Abbasid dynasty which now succeeded the Umayyads .
24 In any event , Miss Kyte — at least Theda , for that I know to be her real name — is not to lose by this .
25 He was a skilled architect who would grow used to praise , but he must have been pleased to hear that the Goldsmiths regarded his school as " not excelled by any other building of a similar construction in solidity , taste , and execution .
26 If his mother 's ambition for him was not discouraged by any of the family , neither had it occasioned much more than a passing interest .
27 It is sometimes supposed , by those who do allow that consciousness is a reality not caught by any of the doctrines we have considered , that none the less nothing enlightening can be said of it .
28 The Regulations clearly could be useful as a last resort , where the advertisement is not caught by any other legal provision and there is no other effective way of dealing with it , e.g. an advertisement falsely stating ‘ closing down sale ’ ( see paragraph 16. -14 above ) .
29 Computers with dual disk drives and twin tape cassette machines are not caught by these provisions because they are not " specifically designed or adapted to circumvent copy-protection " .
30 It always says , or equivalent , that 's just in order to open up the possibilities like this , so that we 're not caught by some legalistic oath .
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