Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] with a " in BNC.

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1 It is certain that bees are very responsive to different tones of the human voice , and this is probably the reason for the country belief that bees are peace-loving beings and will not stay with a quarrelsome family .
2 Among the eight with stage I disease , five had tumoural involvement of the stomach which would have required total gastrectomy , a procedure with a high morbidity rate and one that is not justified with a well tolerated , slowly progressing disease .
3 Though so it serve our purpose , I would not quarrel with a little license . ’
4 So long as people continued to live in their old houses , surrounded by their old friends and neighbours , and had not broken with a routine of life which perhaps dated back generations , then the re-moulding of mentalities was going to be a frustratingly slow process , particularly for an engineer of human souls who was no longer young .
5 They are not examined with a view to appraisal which might require adjustments to concepts of syllabus design to accommodate them .
6 But when the bridal pair returned home to Grantham , Lincs , from their Kenya honeymoon , they discovered that Angela 's parents had not parted with a penny .
7 The City Take-over Panel , which has to give its blessing to the ending of the contract , could take a dim view of the decision not to proceed with a formal bid .
8 It should also be stressed that the decision whether or not to proceed with a deal at any stage rests with yourselves .
9 If , however , no undertakings can be negotiated and the MMC investigates the merger and finds that it operates or may be expected to operate against the public interest , the Secretary of State has power to order the parties not to proceed with a proposed merger or to order divestment by the purchasing company if the merger has been completed .
10 The Grea it was the Greater York authorities ma'am who who as I understand determined not to proceed with a location within the third alteration , and that was endorsed by the County Council when they first considered the draft plan .
11 Rockfall has been responsible for many of the accidents in the range this year , despite the predictable statement from the Chamonix Guides that most were due to incompetence — an inevitable trait of those not climbing with a guide !
12 There are cases , however , in which the trustee is not addressed with a request , or in which no words purporting to constitute a trust are used at all .
13 Michael Walsh avoided some of these problems by deciding not to work with a ‘ friendly critic ’ .
14 Elite theorists argue more generally than pluralists that where elites can not act with a considerable degree of autonomy in deeply divided societies , centrifugal tendencies are much more likely than centripetal ones ( Nordlinger , 1972 ) .
15 ‘ If you look at past efforts to launch soccer here in the States it has not met with a great deal of viewing support , ’ said Bill Sherman , a vice president with the McCann Ericson advertising agency .
16 It would be odd if they did , since feminists , like philosophers , do not speak with a single voice .
17 This column is genuinely not written with a sense of criticism , but I believe it does demonstrate one of the problems that is at the very heart of British tennis — lack of a sense of vision , a sense of belief and a passionate desire to achieve at the very highest echelons of the world game and not to be content to make a comfortable living in a relatively small pond .
18 It needs a heart of stone not to sympathise with a figure in this predicament — a figure on whom it may rest finally to decide whether South Africa lives in peace or at war .
19 General seismic and other expenditures not connected with a specific exploration licence are written off to the profit and loss account immediately .
20 In the Commons , Sir Thomas Clarges moved that " a standing Army is destructive to the Country " , whilst his fellow Tory , Edward Seymour , declared that " the safety of the Kingdom doth not consist with a standing force " , adding ( in a way which anticipated Tory arguments used after 1689 ) that " all the profit and security of this Nation is in our Ships , and had there been the least ship in the Channel " , Monmouth could never have landed .
21 Of all the competing political parties , only the " Lithuanian Communist Party on the CPSU platform " ( a breakaway faction of the CPL , which favoured continued subordination to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and drew its support overwhelmingly from the minority Russian , Byelorussian and Polish populations — ibid. ) did not campaign with a pro-independence manifesto .
22 The aircraft was not equipped with a take-off-out-of-trim warning device .
23 Many , indeed the majority , of the page printers sold are not equipped with a PDL ; Hewlett Packard 's LaserJet , the biggest selling device in the market , does not support one other than as an optional extra .
24 If the distributor 's buyer opens them up and finds them not to comply with a condition in his contract he may reject them .
25 He assumes that his family is not only as old as the hills , but rather more structural , and that nature , although on the whole a good idea — ‘ a little low , perhaps , when not enclosed with a park-fence ’ — is none the less ‘ dependent for its execution on your great county families ’ .
26 The first is of no value , and the second I would not touch with a barge pole .
27 For example : each soloist need not begin with a formal bow to a king or to the audience , nor end with another bow or considered pose ; but such behaviour may be included if the choreographer wishes to locate dance in a particular century and probably a palace in which the story unfolds .
28 In short , they do not begin with a question and seek an answer ; they rather start with an answer and devise a corresponding question .
29 Viewing of this train — for those people whose names did not begin with a W — was from the quadrangle , and the startled crowd of spotters wondered what on earth had happened .
30 Unlike the two preceding chapters we do not begin with a discussion of the labour law status of the workers concerned .
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