Example sentences of "[adv prt] to the new " in BNC.

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1 Once the early morning jobs were done there was a relaxing of discipline , and when the family returned from church everyone on the staff , from Mr Priddy down to the newest domestic , was invited to the second-best parlour to receive a small present .
2 The ideal organization and the one which has the best chance of success is one where , if you ask anybody from the chairman down to the newest recruit on the shop floor what that business is trying to do , you 'd get the same answer .
3 At this stage the fish were all a dull brown which I put down to the new environment — the photograph I has seen showed a tan coloured upper body smothered with black patches .
4 Gabby , who , with her husband , was preparing to run a guest house and had quite enough to do at home , cooked and brought down to the new house a hearty and beautifully cooked meal each evening , and filthy and exhausted the three of us would wolf it down .
5 Landforms developed in relation to the earlier and higher base level are abandoned as erosion starts to work down to the new base level .
6 Just as the marine terrace represents the abandoned sea floor , so do river terraces represent valley floors abandoned by the rivers as they start to cut down to the new and lower base level .
7 This is best explained by reference to the diagram , topsoil being removed from a small area at a time and the chalk quarried down to the new level .
8 Pale roads snaked from them down to the newer tourist settlements by the sea .
9 Derek and me went along to the new wans Christening and he was like a tink !
10 He moved in to the new , roomier accommodation .
11 The Germans had launched a counter-offensive against the Allied bridgehead at Anzio and air support , against enemy troop concentration and lines of communication , became vital in preventing loss of the bridgehead. 223 Squadron moved from Foggia to Biferno/Campomarino to join 3 ( South African Air Force ) Wing on March 13 and after one day to settle in to the new surroundings was tasked against the San Benedetto marshalling yards .
12 Log in to the new process by typing :
13 It was a wonderful vision but over the course of centuries , the gardens became building plots , access to the new houses being obtained by demolishing part of the ground floor of a house to provide a passageway through to the new dwellings .
14 There is bound to be considerable upheaval among the blue-chip client list which Deloitte UK is bringing over to the new firm .
15 Mr. Mason remained with the Tramway companies , but the three electric-lighting offices and show rooms were handed over to the new authority .
16 The Government confirmed that the Bill would not proceed — it fell with the dissolution of Parliament on 16 March ( unfinished legislation can not be carried over to the new parliament ) .
17 She looked over to the new machine .
18 Bell had done original design work on a defunct prop-powered XP–59 and that designation was carried over to the new effort in an attempt to mask the true nature of the project .
19 The building and the organisation were handed over to the new body of Guardians of the Bedford Poor Law Union , on November 7th 1836 .
20 Sequent could start by offering Pentium upgrades to its current 486 machines and then move over to the new line .
21 The announcement is a gentle nudge to developers to move over to the new version of Solaris .
22 An interesting natural experiment arose when the entire school moved over to the new pathway course in 1987 .
23 Searchlights combed the skies as I switched London over to the new system and said , ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , this is the second biggest turn-on I 've had all week — the first was undoubtedly my precarious position up here with Mr Aspel . ’
24 The dismissals were announced the day after Girija Prasad Koirala , the general secretary of the Nepali Congress Party , had delivered a message to the King warning him that unless substantial powers were quickly turned over to the new government , crowds would be called back on to the streets of Kathmandu .
25 Such an argument proved powerfully attractive ; both the Whiggish Burnet and the Williamite Tory , Edmund Bohun , believed that arguments from conquest had the greatest effect in bringing people over to the new government .
26 She knew quite well why she would be trotting over to the new extension when summoned .
27 She had to run the barrage of more glances as she made her way over to the new extension , but she knew then that people looking at her was not on account of her being half an hour late , but on account of everyone , it seemed , knowing of her engagement .
28 Mr Haskins has been one of the most outspoken critics of the MMB plan to turn its other functions over to the new Milk Marque co-op .
29 All necessary information had been efficiently handed over to the new Teachers ' Representative , , who was then introduced and warmly welcomed by .
30 The piquancy and paradoxes of this dilemma were illustrated when the victim of the matricide was hauled out , praised , sent into battle like a version of El Cid , and then , with mingled relief and regret , seen off to the New World .
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