Example sentences of "[adv prt] in [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to sort of wade in in response to that , I want other people to er
2 What would he say of the masses of modern art that you have to plug in in order to fully appreciate ?
3 If you listen to the way the voice comes in in relation to where the chords are , you 'll see that the vocal fits exactly in the holes where the guitar is n't playing .
4 The number of injuries is actually going down in proportion to the increased number of skiers .
5 You 're flown down in helicopter to Leeds .
6 It was reported on March 14 that all military exercises were soon to be scaled down in response to the diminishing threat from the Warsaw Pact .
7 What you do not want to be told is erm sorry you 've got to come down in person to our offices , they 're in Southend by the way , erm please bring along your passport certificate , D N A chart , and chit signed by erm the spiritual leaders of at least three merger major world religions .
8 The boat hull and light aluminium masks and white roller jibs have to come down in tone to a light grey , and the varnished wood spars have to be darker ochre than those at the top .
9 But it was the ritual tramp across Ilkley Moor — or Rombalds Moor , as it is more properly but less popularly known that was the favourite pilgrimage ( and so it remains , to the extent that the track through the purple heather has been worn down in part to bare rock ) .
10 At one stage the FTSE was more than 14 points down in reaction to predictions about Government borrowing .
11 As we read our participants ' accounts , the severity of retribution is to be understood against a background of the degree to which they feel let down in relation to their expectations of those they feel they should respect .
12 And it 's Zack who gets the crowd bouncing up and down in time to his dazzling raps .
13 His bushy black brows , liberally sprinkled with grey , moved up and down in time to the music .
14 ‘ I 'm not sure I 've got anything to say , ’ he said , and closed his eyes , his foot jogging up and down in time to the beat of the dance band on the gramophone .
15 Also out and about this week were THE PRIMITIVES and CHAPTERHOUSE who were spotted at THE POETS gig tapping their beer bottles along in time to the swell up-and-coming sounds emanating stageside .
16 And now that I have become a partner in business I can work from very early and right through in order to be free at night to train .
17 In typical style Shaheen had commissioned the QE2 to take a large party of people to the opening and offered me a cabin on her , but as I could not spare the time and was not sure that I would be entirely at home with my fellow passengers , I flew over in response to his invitation .
18 Early on June 30 a small group of Army officers led by Lt. Mwamba Luchembe succeeded in broadcasting at regular intervals over 90 minutes a message on national radio saying that the Army had taken over in response to the food price rises .
19 Table 20 indicates the jobs that the wives felt they could take over in addition to their present domestic and farm situation .
20 The former Vice-President , A. K. M. Nurul Islam , protested at the summary manner of his dismissal on Aug. 13 ( see p. 36852 ) , while M. A. Matin resigned on the same day as Deputy Prime Minister and deputy parliamentary leader claiming that he had been passed over in promotion to the post of Prime Minister .
21 James Menzies had locked up his warehouse for the day and come over in time to be included in the lengthening list .
22 Consequently , there was a constant danger of those Moorish princes owing allegiance to El Cid calling upon him for aid , or simply reneging on their agreements and going over in force to the Almoravid leader .
23 He broke off in deference to the Mother Superior , whose faded grey eyes lit with amusement .
24 Everything was set up and we moved off in convoy to Barry .
25 The sailor went off in disappointment to Morocco where , they say , he became a renegade .
26 The poverty statistics are cited as further support for the view that the elderly are becoming better off in relation to the rest of society .
27 The Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit ( alias Trevor and Erika Payers ) pose for the perfect shot ( above ) and then ride off in tandem to their reception , a distance of eight miles ( left )
28 ‘ This is what it is all about really ’ , said one of the clowns , handing me a bun just before he dashed across to the pub car park where they all lined up in order to be judged which of them was the best-dressed ( he was , incidentally ) .
29 With some applications though , you may need to change your printer set up in order to be able to use them .
30 The Fleming committee had been set up in response to pressure from the independent schools themselves : their heads and governors had been worried by the drop in enrolments and income in the 1930s , and many hoped to share in the growing national investment that would follow the War .
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