Example sentences of "[adv prt] [vb base] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But in general I think people accept the fact that with used vehicles erm that , depending on the age and mileage of the vehicle they 've got , they accept that obviously they ca n't have a thousand pound cover on say a hundred thousand mile Sierra for example .
2 But it was as I got into my teenaged years I began to get bored with my walk on roles , sitting around for hours waiting to go on with make-up and costumes on was no fun any more , but I was far too young to do anything else but walk on say a few lines and walk off again .
3 So , take the staff comment from there and instead of putting staff down put a generalised comment on this ?
4 The farmer begged and prayed that his oxen might not be eaten and promised that , if the tiger would spare them , he would give in exchange a fine fat young milk cow of his wife 's .
5 He believed as Lionel Curtis did that Indians ' souls had to be renovated before they were fit to govern : he deeply shocked the American journalist William Shirer by announcing that ‘ Self-government … is inconceivable and unattainable without the removal of untouchability , as it also is without Hindu-Moslem unity … we shall be unfit to gain independence so long as we keep in bondage a fifth of the population of Hindustan . ’
6 We 're not going to make anything right this minute , cos first of all we 're going to sit down have a nice cup of tea and Christopher 's going to read to me , so we 're going to get that out of the way before the excitement thing happens
7 Erm this gives an average over say a five year period of about a hundred and forty nine dwellings per annum , if you if you divide that by the household er estimate of something like two point five household size , which is the current sort of level in Cleveland .
8 And what happened in practice was simply the Turkish government made representations to the State Department and said hey , you know , these bases , they provide a lot of work , you know , we have to provide empl alternative employment for these people so could we phase out this withdrawal over say a three year programme ?
9 In a sense , the Jury 's still out on the Times cos you 'd have to look at it over say a three of four month period .
10 Warm-blooded animals the world over maintain a high and constant core temperature .
11 I mean you 've got to try and keep yourself afloat , and then even that 's not going to help you , if nobody comes along and picks you up either , so I mean that But I mean I I did n't Oh well I Suppose I could say I gave up hope a few times but obviously if you s The struggle to survive comes through in the long run , and I mean it 's it 's not easy to give up hope ,
12 The Foundry was a joint project by gear manufacturers Wild Country , Jerry Moffatt and the shop Outside , and the whole set up cost a cool £200,000 .
13 We were nearly a mile and a quarter out , the set was another quarter away from us , and already it was fleecy at the top , throwing up spray a hundred yards in the air .
14 The parallelism may be less transparent : in 22 foot and scrutinise have a parallel relation to bill , and in 23 foot and add up have a parallel relation to bill .
15 ‘ The facts you have set out make a sorry tale indeed . ’
16 If it 's a big discharge which is perhaps on a Royal Commission standard and it is consistently turning out say a 30 BOD and a 40 solids then it can be regarded as harmful and one would press for improvement to be carried out . …
17 and my er feeling is that under say a hundred and fifty thousand , that y that you 're going to find the charges are quite heavy , because it 's not a group investment , it 's an individual investment .
18 The same pot may later on serve a specific function , holding only those items appropriate to its name .
19 ‘ Come on have a good look while you can .
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