Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And I also know that you spent a summer on rather a long walk .
2 Her whole idea of the world 's work was derived from what she observed there and had little in common with the circulation of the great city which toiled on only a hundred yards away .
3 We will , therefore , focus on only a few aspects , namely : primary insider trading , secondary insider trading ( tippee trading ) , tipping , and counselling and procuring others to commit an offence under the Act .
4 In sum , as societies become industrialized , so the family loses its range of functions and comes to concentrate on only a few .
5 Most early red-figure appears on only a few shapes : cups , and pots like the one-piece amphora ( figs. 86–7 ) , in which much of the pot was traditionally black and the extension of that to the background of the picture was an easy step and one which integrates the picture more fully with the pot .
6 Typically , councillors are part-time and serve on only a few committees .
7 Further voltage increase gives another transition : the pattern of current variation repeats on only every fourth cycle of the source ( picture ( c ) ) .
8 We laboured for her because we liked her , but she tolerated no lazy work : she was a perfectionist and she had taste , insisting on only the best materials , which was unusual in the suburbs , where Victorian or Edwardian houses were generally smashed open and stripped bare , only to be filled with chipboard and Formica .
9 By concentrating on only the fastest of fast-moving consumer goods , they keep their stock at a minimum — often selling it before having to pay suppliers .
10 Horses of the same family or the same breed are more likely to be empathic , and so to get on together the best .
11 The afternoon wore on much the same as the morning , only more slowly .
12 After all , despite what the judge had said Britain still went on much the same , Berlin was still a divided city ( and was later to become even more so ) and Russia seemed no more or less secure .
13 Clive returned to England almost immediately to go into Parliament and keep an eye on East India Company policy in London , but his followers — whose idea of moderation ran on much the same lavish lines — remained in control of Bengal .
14 Many small town craftsmen worked on much the same plan .
15 For the period before 1984 our analyses rely on much the same evidence as the Black report , though more complete registration data are now available .
16 Ælfric wrote on much the same lines .
17 In sum the archaeological evidence confirms in rather a striking manner the impression conveyed by writers who held to the view that ivory connoted luxury and in itself constituted a treasure in much the same sense as gold , silver and precious stones .
18 He struck , and reeled in rather a good perch .
19 No doubt because of his strictures on Hardy in After Strange Gods , and because he found Hardy 's view of life personally antipathetic — and when Eliot disliked a writer , as he disliked Aldous Huxley ( i.e. the work , not the man ) , and as he disliked Addison , and above all Goethe , his antipathy was intense and difficult to budge — he reacted in rather a lukewarm manner .
20 Consequently the cadmium red light and the droplets of gold fused into the Renaissance gold where they fell upon it in rather a pleasing manner .
21 But the tendency of such an argument is in the direction of complete relativism , or an entirely arbitrary nominalism , of the type represented by Humpty Dumpty in Alice through the Looking-glass : " " When I use a word " , Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone , " it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more or less . " "
22 Moreover , white holes , by acting as conduits to bring new material and spacetime into new regions of the Universe , would act in rather the same way as ‘ Little Bangs ’ , at least on the local level ( the ‘ locality ’ , of course , being extremely large ) .
23 ‘ We could have given you an introduction to Professor Vanchetti in Rome , ’ said Gervase Fairfax , who was Penelope 's other neighbour , ‘ but unfortunately he dropped down dead the other day . ’
24 No rudder , no turn , it 's as simple as that , and in the approach phase this can be particularly disconcerting , as an aileron deflection into a cross wind will in fact produce a yaw and turn in entirely the opposite direction unless rudder is used .
25 I was most willingly rescued and brought down manually the four flights of stairs .
26 If the wind can be trusted to stay in much the same direction , safe parking is an easy matter .
27 What is new however is the suggestion , which at the time of writing must have appeared as the height of impertinence , that the Greek and Roman states originated in much the same kind of confederation as the Iroquois .
28 Father Christmas , however , operates in much the same way , and when both celebrities were planning to meet up , in December 1987 , to deliver Christmas presents to sick children at Great Ormond Street Children 's Hospital , there was no competition .
29 In 1923 , when the Liberals found themselves in much the same situation as Mr Ashdown is hoping for today , Asquith told them that they ‘ were not sent here by your constituents to play the part of soldiers of fortune ’ , but that was exactly the part they found themselves playing then , and will find themselves playing now if we get a hung Parliament , and they will be unsuccessful mercenaries at that .
30 WHILE the rest of the country is still trying to grapple with the effects of the recession , Las Vegas , the desert oasis created by gambling , continues to boom and prosper in much the same way as it has always done .
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