Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In fact at the moment we 're just about getting to the longest er night the what 's called the equ er sorry the solstice that occurs on about December the twenty second .
2 We was on about rats the other day at work cos Jackie was saying on her way cos her husband works in ooh God !
3 There was a programme on about trailers the other night as well .
4 Before the action came on for trial the defendant applied for an adjustment of his liabilities under the Liabilities ( Wartime Adjustment ) Act 1941 .
5 I do have a question and , and it has n't made , that has n't made it particularly clear as to where we are , you hinted that , and I think that was also seconded here that there might now be a post of some kind to carry on for instance the thing that I 'm particularly worried about is that there 's a sort of hiatus in the heartbeat awards , which I think would be a tragedy if that happened , and I want to be absolutely sure that that is , is n't so .
6 Felipe had gone before Maggie came down for breakfast the next day .
7 The IDA came in for attack the following day from residents ' associations in both Currabinny and Ringaskiddy .
8 In between performances the crew efficiently prepared the way for the next act .
9 In between rapids the river flows placid and serene .
10 Floats it in towards Kennedy the chance must be here for Ray it 's there and it 's Kennedy .
11 When a German ‘ plane was shot down near Roxton the sergeant navigator who survived was brought in as a patient and I assisted with his reception .
12 My friend Kevin , muscleman and minicab driver , says the lads would be out rioting for Willy now if it was n't tipping down with rain the whole time .
13 A great remedy in croup for sensitive children who have been exposed to cold air or dry cold winds and have come down with croup the following morning ( see also Aconite and Spongia particularly ) ; worse ( < ) morning and evening .
14 Once you come into contact with the other side you can drop down into command the individual tanks and engage in fast armoured conflict — the controls here do take some getting used to , although you can opt to assign either the driving or firing to the computer .
15 The duo took to their heels after getting caught — along with headliners The Prodigy — in a 20-mile traffic jam around the site .
16 Looked like they were just going to have to get along with things the way they were until their time was up .
17 Fintan and Cermait Honeymouth , along with Tybion the Tusk , were establishing cautious friendships with the Cruithin .
18 Along with VISHNU the preserver , and SHIVA the Destroyer , he constituted the Vedic Triad .
19 Being in with the gang did n't stop you getting hit but it meant that the Corporals might think for one second before lifting their fists Along with Mike the Rhodesian , Marius , Robert from Oberammergau and Chris , there was myself and a Frenchman called Tignet .
20 Exports brought in US$815,800,000 , down from $881,000,000 the previous year , with imports rising slightly to $1,082 million .
21 He reported that export earnings in 1989 had reached only $92,000,000 , down from $102,000,000 the previous year , mainly due to a fall in world prices for prawns and cashew nuts , which accounted for 67 per cent of export revenues .
22 When the ferry ploughed in from Seacombe the passengers clung to the rail of the landing-stage as it bucked under the swell of the river .
23 When Mary came in from work the day after the row she told Mum that she and Albert had had a talk and that she was going to stay with his parents for a bit while Albert sorted out a house and furniture and the paraphernalia of married life .
24 I 'd been fast asleep when he 'd come in from work the night before .
25 Despite the fact that the 486 based PC 's are gradually coming down in price the evidence suggests that the 386 is still the preferred entry level machine .
26 These readjustments , carried out between June and August , laid down in outline the areas where Richard was to be active for the rest of the reign .
27 These readjustments , carried out between June and August , laid down in outline the areas where Richard was to be active for the rest of the reign .
28 Peter would like it ; poor Peter , who had broken down in bed the night before , and wept that he had failed her , failed her as well as — but he could n't actually articulate that .
29 ‘ Labour will introduce a new Railway Act that will lay down in law the broad policy objectives that we expect BR to meet , ’ he told the Centre for Local Economic Strategies in Sheffield .
30 It is said that aged three Gauss corrected an error in a wages list , whilst aged eight ( some say ten ) he wrote down in moments the answer to the following problem set in class : add together all the integers from 1 to 100 .
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