Example sentences of "[adv prt] [art] [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It happened in the gym of this club right in the middle of my training , ’ he recalled , ‘ but it was not the training that brought on the attack although I had probably overdone things .
2 I hope that , that the assembly will not take this addendum and then I hope the two boards concerned will take on the issue as Mr suggested .
3 Far from protecting the English clergy from royal demands , Boniface VIII and Clement V added their authority to royal exactions and incidentally took on the odium as well .
4 Mr Patten played Cinderella last night and cancelled a private engagement to carry on the polishing while Margaret went to the Blue Ball .
5 Lillee bowled another bouncer which did not get up as much as Fletch anticipated and it hit him straight on the head as he took his eye off the ball .
6 I agreed to pass on the message as I was on my way to Make-up . ’
7 Eventually Neil was interviewed by a customs officer who , he says , ‘ Looked like Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks , but unlike him was as straight on the inside as he appeared on the outside . ’
8 The duchess put on the blindfold as she visited an orphanage in Kochedwice , Poland , on a visit for British charity Angels International yesterday .
9 Groups order through us , we place a ‘ bulk ’ order and pass on the saving when we send out the disks .
10 Then she rang Mrs Chalk , who agreed to curtail her afternoon off to dash back to Armscott , ready to pass on the news if Charles called home first .
11 Jenkins unlocked one of the bedrooms when they got back to the Windorah and switched on the light after he had crossed to the window to draw the curtains .
12 There was a bedroom to their left , at the front of the house , and Carson pushed open the opposite door and led the way through into the sitting-room , switching on the light as he went .
13 Making her way to the bookcase , she was weighing up the possibility of reading the title spines without putting on the light when a table-lamp was clicked on at the other end of the room .
14 Yevgeny Svetlanov took on the programme as advertised but , in the first half , those who failed to occupy seats missed little .
15 For this reason , wording is sometimes inserted in the hive-up agreement to the effect that Target will carry on the trade as " undisclosed agent " of Newco until the hive-up is completed .
16 A third group of carers take on the job because they feel that they have to .
17 And it 's an end to the client hanging on the line whilst a despatcher finds out how long that cab will be .
18 Encouraged , Willis offered to fetch the mussels at once , and some plates and forks and vinegar , and switch on the radio while he was gone , to give them a bit of music .
19 And in this issue , I review yet another anti-heron gizmo which switches on the fountain when the heron alights .
20 ‘ I do n't care for myself , ’ he tells Felicity , walking up and down the kitchen as she prepares dinner .
21 Once this is done , the postcard will open out and you can cut down the centre as in the second diagram enabling you to walk through it .
22 He said they had the wires all streaming down the platform so they had to wire up , close off the platform .
23 He grabbed her arm , hustling her down the gallery as he spoke .
24 Anyway erm tt I went down the day before I went into hospital actually for my op , and er
25 ‘ There was a lot to do with telephones , ’ says Ian , ‘ like you could turn down the stereo as you picked up the phone ! ’
26 The leading central banks are expected to redouble their efforts to push down the dollar once the German decision is announced — something which may ease pressure on the pound if it changes the focus of attention in the foreign exchange markets .
27 For those of us who , after the Second World War , sat riveted to cinema screens up and down the country as we watched the opening up of the concentration camps , watched the piled-up heaps of dead bodies , our whole perception of civilized behaviour was outraged .
28 Presumably this influences relative salary structures further down the hierarchy as well .
29 Was not the reason why the House thought it not plain that their lordships believed that Parliament did not have this situation in mind and would have cut down the wording if it had ?
30 Spid I remember when me and my Mum had to catch one in a fishing net and throw it down the toilet cos my Dad were n't there and it was about that big !
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