Example sentences of "[adv prt] with the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 But will John Major and the Government go down with the sun-Saturn boat or be swept away by the sun-Pluto tidal wave on the 14th ?
2 On the same day 100,000 people demonstrated in Leipzig chanting " Down with the SED " and " Germany united fatherland " .
3 So you sit down with The Hook and ask him about what it was like in the '60s in London , when he was lionised by Van Morrison , The Animals , Peter Green and all the gut-bucket R&B bands , but he just laughs and says it was fun .
4 A roar went up from the customers , some of them calling out : ‘ Hooray for Ernie ! ’ and others yelling : ‘ Down with the Bolshies ! ’
5 The idea was that the police would wait until they had incontrovertible evidence before moving in for the arrest , but Branson and Draper had barely sat down with the Clarkes before some forty policemen swarmed through the door , knocking over tables and chairs and arresting the two brothers .
6 WHILE the Ipswich fans taunted ‘ You 're going down with the Arsenal ’ , Town star John Wark predicted that troubled Manchester United could still walk off with the first Premier League Championship .
7 But Croat and Slovene leaders have reiterated their willingness to sit down with the Serbs and others to work out how Yugoslavia could be turned into a body not unlike the European Community .
8 Down with the KGB ’ and ‘ Down with Ligachev ’ ( Yegor Ligachev , the conservatives ' leader on the party 's politburo ) were among the milder slogans carried by the demonstrators .
9 Unhinged in her mind when her fiancé went down with the Wessex , poor dear . ’
10 These services were brought in with the May 1983 timetable to improve the range the Trans–Pennine trains on offer .
11 This service is linked in with the HCIMA video lending and preview library ( see section1 ) .
12 Giovanna said she often sat in with the Kettering children if their parents were out and would be glad to do the same for the Signora Pargeter .
13 He could throw his lot in with the Lord General , and perhaps become a governor of one of the colony worlds .
14 War Diaries , situation reports and other records of the time vividly convey the chaos prevailing throughout the area in those days immediately following the end of the war , as British units encountered this mass of fugitives fleeing , blocking roads or -seeking to surrender , mixed in with the Tito 's partisans and in eastern Carinthia with the advancing Bulgarians of Tolbukhin 's 3rd Ukrainian Front .
15 Yes I in with the Debs card yes .
16 The central issue is whether or not a Third World bourgeoisie can become hegemonic in its own realm and drive towards ‘ real ’ development ( as Becker asserts for Peru 's ‘ New Bourgeoisie ’ ) or whether the only realistic option for Third World bourgeoisies , under the present system of global capitalist hegemony , is to throw their lot in with the TNCs , as Evans argues for the triple alliance in Brazil .
17 We 're going to have a period , before toys start coming in with the EC label , when we 've a gap with very little to sell .
18 Attractive Fascia — The soft-look dashboard design uses fluid , rounded shapes to complement the form of the interior and two-tone finishing to blend in with the Clio 's light and spacious driving environment .
19 Sixthly , how would the possible creation of such a German unity fit in with the Helsinki process , and would it promote a constructive evolution of that process in the direction of ending the division of Europe and progressing toward integrated legal , economic , ecological , cultural , and information environments in Europe ?
20 Even in the situation that we find ourselves in with the Maxwell Pension situation , where we find that the the erm Trust Law did n't prevent the things from happening which did happen .
21 Again the question there , How does the O D B C fit in with the Microsoft and er future ?
22 What we propose to do today is : I discuss how we see our unit fitting in with the Borders psychiatric service and services for the confused elderly in the Borders .
23 It concerned me deeply that the men going back to Burma should have a smattering of the language , especially those who would go in with the Wingate levies into occupied Burma .
24 This tale about Swegen 's Slavonic wife may fit with Thietmar 's statement that he had Cnut and his brother Harald by a sister of Boleslav whom he later abandoned , which may in turn tie in with the Encomiast 's story that after their father 's death Cnut and Harald brought their mother back from among the Slavs .
25 It is likely that Unit will want to acquire more engineering interests to tie in with the Surrey business .
26 ‘ This ties in with the Mahoney trick . ’
27 A Muslim from a poor family in Hyderabad , he does not fit in with the Bombay set .
28 Yes , but Ross gave up his job as a uhum , he was in with the Leeds , which was a bit stupid because he must of got a cheaper mortgage I should think .
29 Along with the Daily Post Martin Ayling had inherited Hatherley , an estate of hundreds of acres of good Cotswold riding country and a house which would not have disgraced minor royalty .
30 The union had already moved from its fine premises in Buckingham Street , Strandon 22 September 1894 as an economy measure and eventually found a more permanent home , along with the Green 's Home branch , at the Maritime Hall , West India Dock Road , London E. where it remained until Head Office was moved to St.George 's Hall , Westminster Bridge Road , London S.E. in May 1921 .
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