Example sentences of "[adv prt] of the water " in BNC.

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1 It gives them plenty of cover and also somewhere to rest with their heads out of the water but their bodies submerged .
2 Gainsborough 's house … to say nothing of huge grey sweeps of empty beach from which , at Aldeburgh , you can buy goggle-eyed skate direct from the fishing boats as they come out of the water .
3 ‘ Yes , Piper , fish , freshly caught , or should I say blown out of the water ! ’
4 Even so young Maggie was not a child to cheat ; it did not occur to her to prise the egg open , only to stay longer in the bath and to forget to take the soap out of the water , when she climbed out herself , pink and skinny .
5 I have seen photographs of orca , both still and movie , close-up and underwater , but nothing prepares me for the sight of a real one that scythes out of the water 100 metres or so away from the boat .
6 Taking the boats out of the water and loading them on the cars is a chore .
7 I like watching them get out of the water — they look real funny .
8 Lady Brabourne senior was pulled out of the water alive , but died in hospital the next day .
9 They 'll frequently jump cigar out of the water while swimming fast , enabling them to maintain their speed while coming to the surface to breathe .
10 If you want to eat a salmon at its best , try to find one that has been netted at the river mouth or offshore early in the spring , that has been out of the water for no more than twelve hours and still has sea lice on it .
11 If such a total were set down , it would blow the whole review out of the water .
12 Clasper was soon hauled out of the water by the forces of law and order , something he had never bargained for in a lifetime 's fight against them .
13 The clutching hand lifted up out of the water , the dark pit beyond the open door : all the old , despairing images passed momentarily through her troubled mind … .
14 Below him , Simon reached upwards out of the water .
15 When they come out of the water , it is as if the mikva represents the womb and they are reborn .
16 When I came out of the water , they all had tears in their eyes .
17 The sides of the pond were flat , slabbed with grey stone , and in and out of the water lilies , also flat , great goldfish , thick as your fist , slid underwater .
18 I edged along the curtain in the upstream direction of the shut door and by hauling my way up the links at the side managed to scramble round the boathouse wall and up out of the water to roll at last onto the grassy bank .
19 If Mrs Thatcher had been on the programme she would have blown the whole idea of fairness out of the water .
20 Again , if there had been a Thatcherite on the programme , the Labour expert would have been blown out of the water .
21 From out of the water rose a ferocious piece of metal covered in seaweed , barnacles and winkles .
22 Of all the great canards quacking about in the European propaganda lake , none is more easily shot out of the water than the one about German federalists .
23 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
24 The open jaws of a big barracuda were enough to keep most people out of the water and his party had n't shown themselves that keen over the past three days .
25 If the fish did attack and he missed with his spear , Trent knew that his chances of getting out of the water in one piece were nil .
26 The force of its leap dragged Trent breast high out of the water .
27 Clearing the gap in the reef , the patrol boat drove into a wave and leapt half out of the water like a giant grey killer whale .
28 The children played a game , jumping into the deep green pools in the torrent from the big rocks under the star apple tree ; the cold of the water was so intense that Martha felt her body flush to its core with a spasm of heat ; even after she had scrambled out of the water her flesh still tingled from the shock .
29 Eachuinn Odhar strode splashing up out of the water to meet Lady Marion .
30 These sparkling crystal green pools look ideal for swimming , but beware dangerous undercurrents , the fact that they are deeper than the look , a temperature cold enough to freeze-dry your internal organs , and an audience of 50 tourists who will stand and watch as you try to get out of the water and back into your underpants with some dignity and without swearing .
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