Example sentences of "[adv prt] the number [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oregon has a dozen bills pending that have to do with cutting down the number of pets .
2 Although in the first war years the Party substantially cut down the number of meetings devoted to ‘ training ’ in ideological matters — which had never enjoyed much popularity — and concentrated in its regular work in the localities on trying to fulfil ‘ the popular demand for a more lively participation in the events of the day ’ , as one report put it , it was unable to build up much interest in Party work or to enhance the popularity of the local Party organizations .
3 Rothstein argues that patron-client relationships are well suited to the peripheral capitalist development that has taken place in Latin America because they are a way of paring down the number of recipients of industrial gains , when these gains are few in number .
4 And if we cut down the number of our operations — for the part he 's making it would n't be worth automating .
5 Indeed , it was found to be difficult sometimes to keep down the number of journals to a manageable size .
6 It would have been more usual to have asked her with careful casualness to wait behind after the meeting but what he had to say was private and he had been trying for some weeks now to cut down the number of times when they were known to be alone together .
7 They help to cut down the number of acne bacteria in the blocked-up grease glands and reduce painful inflammation .
8 Knowing that you will invariably be outnumbered means that you should take pains to ensure that you do the best you can to cut down the number of your attackers .
9 The establishment of a core group of drawings to be used as a starting point for the attribution of other sheets on stylistic grounds remains the principal method of research and Mr Royalton-Kisch felt that the present exhibition has contributed to the furtherance of this work which , in the case of the British Museum , has whittled down the number of sheets from the 106 accepted by Benesch to eighty-four .
10 It is also a rather different exhibition conceptually : Alfonso Perez Sanchez , former Director of the Prado and co-organiser of the show , has declared that he wants the Spanish to get to know ‘ the real Ribera ’ , which means that he has whittled down the number of works .
11 The reasons for keeping down the number of updates to an inverted file are discussed below , and the form of a dual serial-inverted file system is shown in Fig. 8.4 .
12 Write down the number of the statement and the letter of the group above it comes in .
13 Cutting down the number of variables .
14 Software for Free evaluates the very best in low cost software making the task of choosing a lot less frustrating and time consuming , and by effectively cutting down the number of programs you need to look at it might even save you some money .
15 Sorry , to , I 'll say that again to fit front and rear lights during production thus cutting down the number of accidents involving cyclists not showing lights during the hours of darkness even farther .
16 Cross at being caught out , she moved over to the dressing-table to find some paper , then wrote down the number of her London flat .
17 One of the central parts of my Bill is intended to cut down the number of pedestrian casualties , and I shall explain that more fully later .
18 By monitoring their movements 18 hours a day , stopping and searching their cars and raiding their homes , the RUC believe they have already cut down the number of attacks on Catholics in North Belfast .
19 It was later reported that both sides had scaled down the number of troops along the border .
20 Students may by now feel competent to generalise , and they should be encouraged to write down the number of patterns in a 4 × 2 grid , and test their answer by drawing .
21 Now just going on products , off the compost plant for the last six months , I 've gone through , I 've taken I 've noted down the number of samples taken , each month by month .
22 ‘ I sat in on the Jockey Club working party that drew up these latest proposals Their idea was to bring down the number of strokes and they did not seem very interested in what we , the jockeys , had to say .
23 TRANSPORT links in Livingston are to come under scrutiny in a bid to cut down the number of cars on the roads .
24 Taking out a pencil , she noted down the number on a piece of paper , and then peeped cautiously into the back of the car .
25 Lady Cumberlege spoke of ‘ an EC form which asked farmers to fill in the number of cows they had — ‘ figures to be given in whole numbers ’ ' .
26 Students were known to spend their time in his lectures counting up the number of clichés which he used .
27 He totted up the number of points according to guidelines worked out by Denplan with categories from A to E. In my case , the extent of dental work meant I scored 158 points , putting me in the most expensive category , E.
28 Mikos , In his study of the League of Nations ' actions in Danzig , attempted to apportion blame by counting up the number of important decisions made by the various High Commissioners .
29 The question can not be answered , therefore , by totting up the number of a lawyer 's victories , for in most cases there are no clear winners and losers .
30 They tried bringing out political prisoners after rebellions in Britain , they tried kidnapping new recruits , and they tried legislating to keep up the number of white men that planters must employ , but white men still left for England or went on to new parts of the Americas rather than compete against slave labour .
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