Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] and for " in BNC.

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1 1 He shot down once and for all the established accounts of British politics ; they were " quite wrong " as descriptions and explanations of how things worked .
2 That 's it like a st stage is here , I mean it 's very awkward to caterer for people down here and for the stages on the same menu .
3 Tell her it 's over once and for all .
4 The Court of Appeal accepted that software was not a commodity that was handed over once and for all and that it would usually require testing and further modification .
5 From an idealised , spiritual love for Kee which always had something sickly and perverse about it , he plunged into the lightless sub-world of labour , submerging himself in its mean and desperate poverty , as if to kill off once and for all the romanticism which had brought him nothing but pain .
6 The taunts and torments from the terraces that made Adams ’ life a misery have now been shaken off once and for all .
7 DEC and Microsoft , neither of whom could ever be accused of being the least bit friendly to Unix , look for all the world like they 're ganging up to try and kill it off once and for all , using NT-on-Alpha as the blunt instrument .
8 Kate had come across them all her working life , from the solicitors who tried to get off known offenders to the social workers who stood up in courts of law and gave character references for people who should have been locked up once and for all .
9 " We recognize the fact that the United States is going to have to take the relief over in [ postwar ] Europe , and in return for that … we will set up once and for all the kind of Europe that we expect . "
10 ‘ He wanted to get the matters cleared up once and for all so he could return to this country in future with a clear conscience , ’ said Mr Spain .
11 Bye postal one coming up now and for the postal one the question about this record is , What 's Christmassy about this ?
12 So for all you Seles fans , let's just get this sorted out once and for all .
13 And always , at the back of his mind , there was the business with the Police ; a mere shadow , as he repeatedly reminded himself , without substance , but there just the same and often , as he went through Ostkreuz on the S-Bahn , he was tempted to get off and see Lieutenant Werner , merely to get the matter sorted out once and for all but , mindful of Bodo 's advice , he never did .
14 Well if that 's the case it must be sorted out once and for all if the club is to go forward .
15 Well , I 'd just been paid , so there was no problems about me having money to score , so I think I 'd just set me mind that I wanted to sort meself out once and for good .
16 Then when madam gets home tomorrow , you 'll be in a fit frame of mind to see her and get this sorted out once and for all . ’
17 ‘ I 'm going to find out once and for all what the hell is going on , ’ Gregson told him .
18 I feel they 're putting units into this country , why not us put a unit into their country , not to kill their women and children , but to kill the people who 's actually doing it , whether they be I R A , U D A , knock 'em out , let's have 'em out once and for all .
19 But more important , once the semantics of the two constructions is examined , the hypothesis of meaningless variants must be ruled out once and for all : the two constructions do not mean the same thing .
20 I have to be honest and admit that I accepted the invitation to dinner to try to find out once and for all if you were involved with Martin , but that was because I needed to know , needed to prove your innocence , because I was falling in love with you .
21 Now a 3-year investigation aims to find out once and for all whether there is a higher rate of illnesses like cancer amongst the children of those who work in the nuclear industry .
22 And get him to sort that out once and for all !
23 As for Oxford in the next round — a chance to avenge that awful 4–1 League cup defeat from a few years back once and for all .
24 ‘ It 's really down to the British Government to sort it out now and for us to keep the pressure up on them .
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