Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both men had fought the German Abwehr in the unrelenting , clandestine war that went on daily in North Africa .
2 He was built like a brick shithouse and he plonked himself down right in front of the stage .
3 We bounced up , and there was Colonel Seawell 's plane coming down right in front of us .
4 The purpose of of these four orders , which I must say I greatly welcome , it is one of the , the most beneficial things to come out of the B C C I er disaster er and er i if I can say in in effectively in answer to everything the honourable gentleman for Great Grimsby said and he and I have debated on many occasions , if fact usually on the television not on the floor of the house , but er an an an an because of it for not quite so long either , er but erm th the point I would make to his is that really what he was saying was th that what went wrong with B C C I is that Price Waterhouse knew there was fraud and did n't say so and that wha what Lord Justice Bingham pointed out was that there is a clear conflict of interest between the interest of the client who they work for and the public interest and that what needed , what was needed was some amendment to the banking act to clarify that and that is precisely what er this order actually does and you ca n't really er Madam Deputy Speaker , expect anyone to really seriously criticise the government when in actual fact not only have they come up with the regulation to deal with that but they 've also gone further and said we will apply this to financial services and to building societies and to insurance companies as well , just to be absolutely sure .
5 Mr Scowcroft was , until his appointment , the co-chairman of a committee drawn from the defence elites of both parties , which in February found a form of words that satisfied its wide range of members and came down gently in favour of Midgetman first and rail-MX only later .
6 This came along only in fact in the , in the late nineteen fifties early sixties .
7 Socialist policy to state industries was laid down only in part in President Mitterrand 's campaign ’ Letter to the French ’ during last year 's election .
8 Yet the parties continued to keep sitting down together in hotel rooms across Europe and America , resuming their dialogue of the deaf .
9 But no doubt you went along just in case .
10 " You got in just in time .
11 Well er grown in just in rotation you know working the land every five or six year rotation er and er you had not very much hay .
12 I stand up and brush my coat down just in case it got dirty with me sitting on the ground .
13 You 're allowed very little of your own stuff down there , just a set of clothes , but it all goes down just in case you do n't return to your house .
14 He looked down just in time to see Liawski 's diaries disappearing over the edge .
15 At the third last Run And Skip touched down just in front of the mare , who was soon under pressure .
16 Just in front of the keeper because it 's amazing how many things fall down just in front of the keeper .
17 When reading it on the spot , along with Memoirs of the Duc de Saint Simon , the visitor becomes entirely absorbed in the bizarre life of Louis XIV , a monarch who spent all his time in public , and yet allowed no man — except his brother — to sit down directly in front of him .
18 It has , too , an inspirational engine : wailing gloriously when revved hard , yet still docile enough to pull the car along tamely in traffic .
19 I ought to start , really really and truly I ought to start buying them in now in sort of double , double packs , you know , get two cos they 're expensive to buy .
20 With bookings down dramatically in reaction to the Gulf war , TWA is to cut European flights by nearly half and lay off 2,500 people .
21 But research soon to be published , collating all articles published on the subject , comes down strongly in favour of the view that high cholesterol causes atheroma , the fatty lining of the arteries which is a cause of early heart disease .
22 And above all , why should Isambard come down here in person to visit him after supper , splendid and ceremonious in his brown and gold brocade , attended by servants bringing in a gilded chair for him , and a page carrying wine ?
23 Definately cool to wear Leeds stuff down here in West London ( Chelsea is most local big side ) .
24 The bid 's down here in front of me now at twenty one pound .
25 This was accepted as advisable — even though , if the Regent and his army were still at Edinburgh , it would demand every effort to get them down here in time .
26 Mr , if we have a criterion that says protect the countryside for its own sake , and a criterion from our discussion yesterday , and somewhere down here in relation to free standing , is n't our conclusion that nowhere is acceptable for a new settlement .
27 The stairs had metal caps to prevent wear so the noise from marching feet was horrendous , most boys did nothing to lessen the din , in fact a favourite ploy was to stamp the right foot down hard in unison .
28 Mr. Mendez wanted to put him on a coach and send him down there in style , but Russell kept backing off .
29 They certainly are doing bonzo business down there in South Ken .
30 I mean we we 're saying we had things down there in excess of three days .
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